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31.He never makes a promise he doesn’t intend to keep, so when he says forever, forever is ______ he means.

   A.what      B.how      C.which      D.that


30.--- You are always getting angry with your little brother.

   --- I know it’s not good, but I just can’t help__________ .

   A.him       B.it       C.that      D.this


29.Car racing is an adventurous sport, popular with young men, __________ quick mind and skill matters much more than anything else.

   A.where      B.what      C.when      D.that


28.The second half of his voyage was __________ dangerous part, during which he sailed round the Cape Horn.

   A.more      B.most      C.the most    D.the more


27.--- Hi, Tom.Any idea where Jane is?

--- She ______ in the classroom.I saw her there just now.

A.must have been B.must be    C.shall      D.should have been


26.A volunteer is a person willing to help others, one who offers to do something without __________.

   A.paying     B.paid      C.being paid   D.to pay


25.---Have you known Professor Jackson in our department for a long time?

  ---Yes, since he _____ to our university.

A.has come    B.comes       C.had come    D.came


24.We didn’t tell Susan about our plan __________ upsetting her.

   A.for fear of   B.regardless of  C.in face of   D.instead of


23.Though the teacher had tried to make the problem easy __________, still Lily and her partner were at a loss.

A.understood   B.understanding   C.to understand D.to be understood


22.Parents give children __________ pocket money to let them learn its value from experience at______ early age.

   A.the; an     B.a; the     C./; an      D./; /

