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1. rather than... 是……而不是……;与其……不如……;不愿


1). He ran rather than walked. 他是跑的而不是走的。

2).Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price与其让蔬菜烂掉,他半价把它们卖掉。


do A rather than do B = rather than do B, sb. does A 某人不做B却做A

A rather than B 是A而不是B

would rather do A than do B = would do A rather than do B 宁可做A而不做B

prefer to do A rather than do B 最喜欢做A而不做B

would rather sb. did/had done sth. 宁愿某人做某事

注意:rather than表示客观事实,它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。后接不定式时,不定式可以带to,也可以不带to。但rather than位于句首时,则只能接不带to 的不定式。

[练习] 根据句子意思及要求填空或翻译。

1). He came running all the way ______ ______walking.  

2). Rather than ______ (ride) on a crowded bus, he always prefers ______ (ride) a bicycle.

3). I’ d rather you ______ ______ (not come) yesterday.

4). She likes to keep things in the house ______ ______ throw them away, though many are useless.

5). I think Tom, ______ ______ you, ______ ______ ______ (blame).

6). 他宁愿死也不愿在街上乞讨。_____________________________________________

答案:1). rather than  2). ride; to ride       3). hadn’ t come   4). rather than   5). rather than; is to blame

6). He would rather die than beg in the street. = He would die rather than beg in the street.


8. impress vt.使印象深刻;使铭记  impression n.[c]印象;感想  impressive adj.给人印象深刻的


1). The sights of the city never fail to impress foreign tourists. 外国游客无一不对该市留有深刻印象。

2). We were most impressed with/by your efficiency. 你的工作效率很高,我们极为钦佩。


impress sth. on/upon sb. = impress sb. with/by sth. 使某人铭记某事物 

make/give/crate an impression on/upon... 给……一个印象

have/get the impression that 有……的印象

[练习] 用impress的短语或介词填空。

1). Father _______ _______ me the value of hard work.

2). One candidate in particular ______ us ______ her knowledge.

3). You ______ an excellent ______ ______ us.

4). When I first met him I ______ ______ ______ ______ he was a humorous man.

答案:1). impressed; on  2). impressed; with   3). made; impression upon   4). had the impression that 


7. terrify vt.使恐怖;恐吓 terrified adj.恐惧的;受惊吓的 terrifying adj.(令人)可怕的


1). He terrified his children with ghost stories. 他讲鬼故事吓坏了他的孩子。

2). Her husband’ s violence terrified her. 她丈夫的暴力使她感到恐惧。


be terrified at/by sth. 被某事(物)恐吓   be terrified of sth. = be afraid of 害怕某事(物)

[练习] 用terrify的适当形式或介词填空。

1). She ______ that Ronnie would kidnap Sam.

2). She was terrified ______ the thought that Ronnie would kidnap Sam.

3). It was a ______ experience.

答案:1). was terrified that     2). at   3). terrifying


6. nearby adj.附近的;邻近的 adv.在附近


1). Her mother lived in a nearby town. 他的妈妈住在一个附近的城镇。

2). Her mother lived nearby. 他的妈妈住在附近。



There were complaints from nearby residents / residents nearby.


5. mix vt.&vi. 混合;调配  mixture n.[u,c] 混合(物);混合状态


1). The chemist mixed (up) some medicine for me. 药剂师给我配了些药。

2). Oil and water don’ t mix. 油和水不能混合。

3). Oil won’ t mix with water. 油不能和水混合。

[词语归纳] mix的短语:

mix A and/with B 把甲与乙拌和起来      mix sth. up 把某物拌和;混淆某物

mix sth. in/into把某物掺进去         be/get mixed up with sth./sb. 与某事有关;与某人混在一起

[练习] 用mix的短语的适当形式或介词填空。

1). Don’ t try to _______ business ______ pleasure.  

2). Mix the eggs ______ the flour.

3). I don’ t want to ______ ______ ______ in the affair.

答案:1). mix; with      2). into   3). be mixed up


4. measure vi.&vt. 测量;衡量;判定  n.[c,u] 尺寸;量具;计量单位;措施


1). Can you measure accurately with this ruler? 用这把尺子能量得准吗?

2). It’ s hard to measure his ability when we haven’ t seen his work. 没有见过他的作品, 很难估计他的能力。


measure A by B 用B衡量A                  sth. measures 2 metres by 4 metres 某物长4米宽2米

measure sb. for a suit = make a suit to sb’ s measure 给某人量身做一套衣服  

[练习] 用measure的短语填空或翻译句子。

1). The tailor made a suit ______ _______ _______. 

2). Success isn’ t _______ _______ how much money you have.

3). 我们教室的尺寸是长10米宽6米。


答案:1). to my measure  2). measured by  3). Our classroom measures 6 metres by 10 metres.


3. surround vt.&vi. 包围;围绕 surrounding adj. 周围的 surroundings (常用pl.)环境


1). Trees surround the pond. 树木围绕着池塘。

2). The house was surrounded by high walls. 房子的四周有高墙。


surround...with... 用……包围……                 be surrounded by/with... 周围都是…… 

[练习] 用surround的短语或其适当形式填空。

1). _______ by a group of children, he felt happy. 

2). There is no such kind of modern hospital in the ________ areas.

3). She has always been _______ _______fashionable friends.

4). She hopes to bring up her children in healthy _______. 

5). With the house_______, the thief couldn’t flee and was caught.

答案:1). Surrounded    2). surrounding   3). surrounded with  4). surroundings   5). surrounded


2. eastward adv. 向东  adj. 向东的;朝东的


1). They were traveling eastward(s) to the city which appeared in their dreams. 他们朝着东边向梦想中的城市进发。

2). The plane flied in an eastward direction. 飞机向东边飞去。


eastward(s) adj./adv. 向东的,向东地               westward(s) adj./adv. 向西的,向西地

southward(s) adj./adv. 向南的,向南地              northward(s) adj./adv. 向北的,向北地

southeastward(s) adj./adv. 向东南的,向东南地           northeastward(s) adj./adv. 向东北的,向东北地

southwestward(s) adj./adv. 向西南的,向西南地       northwestward(s) adj./adv. 向东北的,向东北地

[练习] 根据句子的意思在括号里填入适当的词。

1). It is said that Tangseng and his four apprentices(徒弟) traveled ________ in order to obtain the sacred Buddhist scripture.

2). When winter comes, the migratory birds travel in an __________ direction.

答案:1). westward(s)      2). southward(s)


1. chat vi.&n. 聊天;闲聊


1). What were you chatting to him about? 你和他聊了些什麽?

2). I had a long chat with her (about her job).(关於她的工作)我和她聊了很久。


chat to/with sb (about sth) = have a chat with sb (about sth) 与某人聊天、闲谈……

[练习] 根据句子的意思在括号里填入所给词的适当形式或介词。

1). She often spends hours on the phone _______ (chat) to her friends.

2). We had a nice chat _______ (介词) a cup of tea.

答案:1). chatting      2). over


1. Canada n.加拿大
Canadian adj.加拿大的
2. multi-  (构词成分) 有
multicultural adj.多元文化的multiracial adj.多种族的
multicoloured adj.多色的 multimedia n.&adj.多媒体(的)
3. extreme adj.极度(端)的; n.极端,过分
extremely adv.极端地;非常地
distantly adv. 淡然地
4. slightly adv. 轻微地
slight adj.轻微的;纤细的
5. confirm vt. 证实,肯定;确认;批准
confirmation n. 证实
6. wealthy adj. 富有的;丰
wealthily adv.富有地,丰富地
wealth n. 财富
7. distance n. 距离
distant adj. 远方的
8. tradition n. 传统,惯例
traditional adj.传统的,习惯的
traditionally adv传统上的
9. approximately adv. 近似
approximate adj.大概的vt.接近vi.(to) 近似
1). When asked, she _________ (confirmation) that she was going to retire.
2). He left as a poor, working class boy and returned as a ________ (wealth) man.
3). Instead of stopping to speak, she passed by with only a ________ (distance) nod.
4). Britain is increasingly a ________ (多元文化的) society.
5). Earthquakes are ________ (extreme) difficult to predict.
6). The ________ ( distant) between his house and school is quite short.
7). The color black is ________ (tradition) associated with mourning.
8). Nowadays many young people still have ________ (tradition) family values.
9). Among my pen pals, two are ________ (Canada).
10). The job will take ________ (approximate) three weeks.
答案:1). confirmed  2). wealthy 3). distant   4). multicultural       5). extremely     
6). distance   7). traditionally  8). traditional  9). Canadians  10). approximately

