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1. Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked as if they were close friends.素不相识的人们经常议论他们的私生活就像是谈论他们亲密的朋友一样。


1). 连词as if=as though,意为“仿佛,像,似乎”。通常用在be,look,seem,sound,taste,smell及feel等连系动词的后面。其后的从句可以用陈述语气,但多用于虚拟语气。如:

How wild his white hair looked as if it had been electrified!


She seems as订she is going to cry.


2).as if (though)后面除了跟句子外,还可以跟名词、动词不定式、形容词(短语)、介词短语和分词。如‘

He acts as if a fool.他做事像个傻子。

He raised his hand as if to take off his hat.


3). as if (though)还可以表达感叹语气,来对某项建议、假设和推测表示不赞成、惊讶、不满和厌恶等。如:

As if anyone would believe that story!好像有人竟会相信那样的事!

As if we were all stupid and he alone clever!


[练习] 中译英

1). 你像是见了鬼似的。


2). 这个男孩四周察看,像在寻找什么东西。



1). You look as if you had seen a ghost.

2). The boy looked about as if in search of something.


3.sort out 分类


1). We must sort out the good apples from the bad. 咱们得把好苹果拣出来, 同坏的分开。

2). Let's leave them to sort themselves out. 他们的事儿让他们自己解决吧。


sort out整理

sort sth/oneself out解决(某个[自己的]问题等)

[练习] 中译英

1). 我需要先安顿一下, 然后再去找新的工作。


2). 这房间需要收拾一下。


Keys: 1). I need to sort my life/myself out a bit, before I start looking for a new job.

     2). This room needs sorting out.


2. break up分裂;解体;打碎;结束


1). The crowd started to break up when the night fell.天快黑时人群开始散开了。

2). Their marriage broke up.他们的婚姻破裂了。


break away from摆脱;脱离     break down出故障;分解;

break into破门而入             break out爆发

break through突破

[练习] 用break 构成的词组填空

1). The telephone system has _________.

2). The company top meeting didn’t ________ until midnight.

3). Fire _________ during the night.

4). His house was _________ last week.

Keys: 1). broken down  2). break up  3). broke out  4). broken into 


1. dream of梦想


1). I dreamt about flying last night. 昨夜我梦见我在飞翔。

2). Was it real or did I dream it? 是真的还是我当时在做梦?


dream of /about (doing) sth. 梦见做……   dream of/about sb./sth梦见某人/某物

dream one’s life away虚度光阴

[练习] 中译英

1). 她虚度一生, 一事无成。


2). 我梦见我能飞翔。


Keys: 1). She dreamt her life away, never really achieving anything.

2). I dreamt (that) I could fly.


5. brief adj. 简短的; 简洁的n. 摘要;任务简介


1). Mozart's life was brief. 莫扎特的一生是短暂的。

2). It's not part of my brief to train new employees. 训练新雇员不是我工作范围以内的事。


in brief 简言之

to be brief 简单地说,一句话

[练习] 中译英

1). 请简洁说。

2). 总之, 你做得不好。

Keys: 1). Please be brief.     

2). In brief, your work is bad.


4. reply vt. 指望或依赖某人[某事物]


1). Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us. 现今人们越来越依赖计算机协助工作

2). I relied on you(r) coming early. 我指望你早来。


reply on/upon sb/sth (to do sth) 指望或依赖某人[某事物]

[练习] 中译英

1). 别指望她能说真话。


2). 你尽管相信我一定为你保密。


Keys:  1). She cannot be relied on to tell the truth.

      2).You can rely on me to keep your secret.


3. form vt. 形成﹑ 构成﹑ 组成


1). The reservoir was formed by flooding the valley. 这个水库是引水淹没山谷而形成的。

2). His research formed the basis of his new book. 他的研究成果是他这本新书的基础。


form sth. from sth. (使)形成﹑ 构成﹑ 组成

form sb. / sth. into sth. 将(某人[某事物])按一定顺序排列

[练习] 中译英

1). 老师让学生排成一排。


2). 他们正用用陶土做碗。


Keys: 1). The teacher formed the children into a line.

     2). They are forming bowls from clay.



2. attach  vt. & vi. 系上; 缚上;附加;连接


1). He will attach a label to each piece of luggage. 他会把每件行李上都加上标签。

2). Do you attach any importance to what he said? 你认为他说的话重要吗?


attach (sth.) to(sth.)将某物系在、缚在或附在(另一物)上

attach to sb. / sth. 与某人相关联; 归于某人

[练习] 中译英

1). 这件事不怪你。


2). 信中附一文件。


Keys: 1). No blame attaches to you in this affair.

   2). There is a document attached to a letter.


1. roll n. 卷状物; 小圆面包; 摇摆; 摇晃 vt. & vi. (使某物)滚动; 摇晃


1). The slow, steady roll of the ship made us feel sick.船老是晃晃悠悠的, 弄得我们很恶心。

2). Six brown rolls, please. 请给我来六个黑面包。


roll sth up(将某物)卷或绕成球形或圆柱形; 卷起(某物)

roll in 滚滚而来; 大量涌来

[练习] 中译英

1). 仍不断有人提出愿予以帮助。


2). 他总是抽自己卷的烟.


Keys: 1). Offers of help are still rolling in.    

2). He always rolls his own cigarettes.


1. perform v. 执行, 履行; 表演
performance n. 执行, 履行; 表演; 表现, 行为, 成就
performer n. 表演者; 演出者
2. attract v.  吸引; 引起; 激起
attraction  n.  吸引; 引起; 激起
attractive adj.  吸引的
3. devote vt. 付出(时间﹑ 精力等);奉献; 献身于某事物
devotion n. 付出(时间﹑ 精力等);奉献; 献身
devoted adj.热爱的; 非常忠实的; 全心全意的
1)    This is a mother's ________ to her children. (devote)
2)  She is ________ to her children. (devote)
3)  The old man _________ himself to a noble cause. (devote)
4)  His ________ in the test was not good enough.  (perform)
5)  They are ________ his play/piano concert tonight. (perform)
6)  She felt an immediate _________ to him. (attract)
7)    The dog was __________ by the smell of the meat. (attract)
8)    Your proposal sounds very _________. (attract)
Keys:  1) devotion      2) devoted         3) devoted     4) performance    
5) performing  6) attraction   7) attracted     8) attractive

