0  381215  381223  381229  381233  381239  381241  381245  381251  381253  381259  381265  381269  381271  381275  381281  381283  381289  381293  381295  381299  381301  381305  381307  381309  381310  381311  381313  381314  381315  381317  381319  381323  381325  381329  381331  381335  381341  381343  381349  381353  381355  381359  381365  381371  381373  381379  381383  381385  381391  381395  381401  381409  447090 

30.Our country ____________ great changes in the last 30 years.

   A. has experienced  B .experienced   C. experimented   D. has experimented


29. Do remember to wash the vegetables ___________.

A. as clean as possibly         B. as cleanly as possible

C. as clean as possible        D. as clean as you do


28. This is the first sum of money _______ the children’s family has received.

A. that        B. which    C. what     D. as


27. September 11, 2001 is the day ______ we will never forget.

  A. that     B. when    C. on which   D. on that


26. All ______ you said at the meeting has nothing to do with us.

  A. what    B. that      C. which    D. it


25. _______ finishing his homework, he went to play basketball.

  A. In     B. Upon    C. At     D. With


24..This is the very plan for the summer holiday ______ will be suggested by his cousin.

  A. which    B. that     C. when     D. it


23. He used to ______ cards, but now he is used to _______ a walk after supper.

  A. play; taking   B. playing; take   C. play; take   D. playing; taking


22. According to a recent survey, children spent up to 25 hours a week _____ TV.

  A. to watch   B. to watching  C. watching    D. watch


● When you are trying to escape a fire, you should use stairways and fire escapes but not elevators

● If you are on the first floor and you can’t run from the door, it is possible to escape through    17    .

● Windows are also useful when you are   18   . Be sure to keep the door colsed before opening the window. Keep your head   19   at the window.

● If you are on the second or third floor when a fire breaks out, you’d better get to the roof through the window and then drop onto bushes  20 


Section A(15分

. Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence.

21. The boss ______ company I worked in two years ago has _________ in solving such kind of problem.

A. whose; many experiences      B. who; many experiences    

C. whose; much experience      D. which; much experience

