24. _______ your savings so fast, or you’ll end up as a beggar.
A. Stop to spend B. Stop spending C. To stop to spend D. Stoppping spending
23. When ______ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.
A. comparing B. being compared
C. compared D. having compared
22. From his ____ voice on the phone, I know everything is going under way.
A. satisfactory B. satisfying C. satisfied D. satisfaction
第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
例:We _______ last night, but we went to the concert instead.
A. must have studied B. might study
C. should have studied D. would study
21. Because of ______ high demand for Type AB blood, ______ supplies of it are usually limited.
A.the; the B./; / C./; the D.a; the
设若: 水墨画:
贮蓄: 空灵:
济( )南 伦敦( ) 镶( )边
宽敞( ) 水藻( ) 贮( )蓄
28.(2009年潍坊一模)下列各组词语中加点的字读音全都正确的一组是( )A.笃厚(dǔ) 胁迫(pò) 下脚料(jué) 排山倒海(dǎo)
B.炒房(chǎo) 搜罗(shōu) 撒手锏(jiǎn) 啼饥号寒(háo)
C.掮客(qián) 辅弼(bì) 落不是(lào) 畏葸不前(sī)
D.恬淡(tián) 独处(chǔ) 乐陶陶(táo) 荦荦大端(luò)
27.(2010年青州检测)下列各组词语中加点的字,注音全都正确的一组是 ( )A.摈弃(bìnɡ) 给予(jǐ) 脊梁(jǐ) 博闻强识(zhì)
B.遒劲(qiú) 歆羡(xīn) 通缉(jī) 悄声细语(qiǎo)
C.发酵(jiào) 龟裂(jūn) 棱角(lénɡ) 自出机杼(shū)
D.翘首(qiáo) 编纂(zhuàn) 偌(ruò)大 流言蜚语(fēi)
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