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19. ____, or we will be late for the meeting!

A. Moving on      B. Get a moving on   C. Get a move on    D. Get on a moving


18.He pretended to be a doctor,but ____ he is a cheat.

A.in a word      B.in practice      C.in particular     D.in all


17. _____his timely help , Kate overcame the hardship at last.                                                                                                                                                                                                              

A. For      B. Thanks to     C. As a result    D. Because


16. He will stop showing off, if no notice ______ of him.

A. is taken      B. will be taken      C. takes     D. has taken


15.-----How was your camping in the mountains last week, Joan?

-----Oh, it was just a ___because we were woken up by a terrible storm at midnight.

A. mess      B. nightmare    C. fun       D. pleasure



14. -----Tomorrow is Mary’s birthday.Are you going to her party?

-----___.I like cake very much.

A.Absolutely     B.Absolutely not   C.I am afraid not      D.Nearly not


第二节  听下面对话或独白,选出最佳选项。


6. What does the man think about his new job?

A. It’s interesting but he is going to give it up.

B. It’s boring but he doesn’t want to give it up.

C. The salary is good so he really likes it.

7. What isn’t the woman satisfied with about her job?

A. Salary.        B. Working condition.       C. Working hours.


8. What does the man think of the singing contest?

A. Wonderful.      B. Boring.        C. Funny.

9. Why did five singers sing the same song?

A. They were required to sing it.    B. It is popular among young people.

C. They chose it on the Internet by chance.

10. Who was the final winner?

A. A singing group of five people.      B. A boy named Jack.

C. A girl named Wang Ying.


11.What holiday are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Thanksgiving.      B. Christmas.      C. New Year.

12. Why are the children gathering together?

A. To wait for presents.     B. To buy something in a low price. 

C. To watch the singing lights.

13. Who is the Salvation Army raising money for?

A. The poor.      B. The disabled.      C. The homeless.


第一节  听下面5段对话, 选出最佳选项。

1. Why is the man angry?

A. The woman is reading too loudly there.  

B. The woman doesn’t let him use the dictionaries.   

C. The radio is too noisy.

2. How much did the woman’s husband pay for the computer.

A. 175 dollars        B. 350 dollars.      C. 700 dollars.

3. What does the man mean?

A. He’ll be able to clean the house in time.

B. He needs time to relax before the guests arrive.

C. It should be easy for the guests to find the house.

4. What’s the man probably doing?

A. Washing a car.      B. Painting a car.      C. Repairing a car.

5. What can we know from the conversation?

A. The man can’t drive well.     B. The car has broken down.  

C. The speakers are on the wrong way.








(1)请将上图免疫过程缺失处补充完整①                      。

(2)当抗原侵入人体内,某些抗原会___    细胞内,也有一些抗原__    细胞内,因而产生了体液免疫和细胞免疫过程。

(3)淋巴细胞T细胞,B细胞都是由____    分化发育而来,直接发挥免疫作用的是___ _    等细胞。

(4)人类可怕的艾滋病,主要是人类免疫缺陷病毒攻击人体的       ,特别是侵入人体的____   ,使之大量死亡导致患者几乎丧失一切免疫功能,使各种传染病乘虚而入的疾病,它是一种____    病。


__    ,这是生命活动得以正常进行的必要条件

