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36. Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, ______ with his old one.

A. comparing    B. compares    C. to compare     D. compared


35. The play _____ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.

A. produced              B. being produced    

C. to be produced            D. having been produced


34. The fresh air _____ our health and we _____ it.

A. benefits to; benefit           B. benefits; benefit from

C. benefits from; benefit          D. benefits; are benefited by


33.  ______ as an Olympic event, a sport must be played in at least 75 countries in at least 4 continents.

A. To accept              B. Having accepted    

C. To be accepted            D. Accepting


32.At the meeting they discussed different ______ to the study of mathematics.

   A.approaches    B. means   C.methods    D.ways


31.The children were warned of not being too _______ about things you are not supposed to know.

   A.strange    B.amusing    C.curious    D.satisfied


30.  I keep in touch with the friend ______ who stands ______ to me.

   A. close; closely          B. closely; close   

   C. close; close           D. closely; closely


29.Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to ____ them too hard.

A. draw    B. strike    C. rush     D. push


28. The film was very familiar _______the people in the 1980s, and they were quite fond _________its main character.

A.with, to            B.to, with 

C.to, of            D.with, of


27.He insisted that he _________ nothing wrong and ________free .

  A.should do ; should be set   B.should do; had been set

  C.had done; should be set    D.had done; had been set[

