0  382481  382489  382495  382499  382505  382507  382511  382517  382519  382525  382531  382535  382537  382541  382547  382549  382555  382559  382561  382565  382567  382571  382573  382575  382576  382577  382579  382580  382581  382583  382585  382589  382591  382595  382597  382601  382607  382609  382615  382619  382621  382625  382631  382637  382639  382645  382649  382651  382657  382661  382667  382675  447090 

25.-The railway station, please.I have to be there in ten minutes.

   -______,but I’ll do my best.

   A.No problem   B.OK   C.I can’t promise  D.I can’t do that


24.-Is it for two months ______ they have stayed here?

   -No, it is only three weeks ______they arrived here.

   A.that; since  B.that; when    C. when; that  D.since; before


23.-I really appreciate______ time to relax.

   -I don’t doubt ______ able to do so.

   A.to have; you to be                 B.having; that you being

C.to have; you are                  D.having; that you are


22.When I was at college I ______  three foreign languages, but I ______  all except a few words of each.

   A.spoke; had forgotten       B.spoke; have forgotten

   C.had spoken; had forgotten     D.had spoken; have forgotten



21.-Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management?

   -If you make ___ most of the equipment, there will be ___ rise in production.

   A.不填;不填   B.the;a   C.不填;a  D.the;不填





9.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Teacher and student . B. shop assistant and customer. C.Husband and wife.

10.On which channel is the baseball game on?

  A.Channel 2.      B.Channel 6.       C. Channel 8

11.What does the woman agree to see at last?

  A.The baseball match.  B. A western film.      C. An American film.


12.Why does the woman feel happy now?

  A.She has got a good job.   B.She is going home soon.

C.She has bought a beautiful house.

13.Where is the woman probably now?

  A. In the USA.      B. In China.        C. In England.

14.Which of the following does the woman not like according to the conversation?

  A.Wet weather.    B.Schools.       C. Libraries


15.What are the two speakers talking about?

  A. How to become a millionaire. B. How to spend money. C. Collecting stamps

16.How much does the man spend on stamps a year?

  A.50 yuan.         B. 180 yuan..      C.600 yuan.

17.What can we know about the man?

  A. He doesn’t like the stamps his father gave him.

  B. He has made many friends by collecting stamps.

  C. He has traveled to many places.


18.What percentage of American workers were farmers two hundred years ago?

  A.85%.         B.95%.         C. 92%.

19.Why is agriculture still America’s biggest industry now?

  A.95% of American are farmers.     B. It employs more workers than any other industry and products much more food.

 C. The US consumes the most agricultural goods in the world.

20.Why can American farmers produce more today than before?

  A.The weather and soil are getting better than before.

  B. They want to sell more goods abroad.

C. They use modern farming and business methods.



















17.已知 的值域为集合A,定义域为集合B,其中



