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31.Children under 14 must be     by an adult.

panied    B.accompanied  C.punished   D.embarrassed


30. She felt even more ____ when she was waiting ____ among strangers.

  A. lonely; lonely  B. alone; alone  C. alone; lonely  D. lonely; alone


29. -Do you mind _____alone at home?

 -No, but I want a good book_______.

 A.leaving; to read   B.to be left; reading

C.to leave; reading   D.being left; to read


28.Who is making such a noise?     must be the children.

A.It        B.They        C.He         D.You


27.I don’t like    you speak to her.

  A.the way     B.the way in that    C.the way which    D.the way of which


26. -I’m sorry I took your bike by mistake.

-Oh, really? ____.

A. It’s OK with me  B. It doesn’t matter   C. Don’t be sorry    D. I don’t care 


24. What do you think of his proposal _______ we ________ a play at the English party?

A. what; put up         B. that; put on    

C. which; put up         D. that; put off

25 He works in a company now. He _____ for 25 years in a factory.

A. worked      B. had worked    C. has worked     D. works.


23.__________ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.

    A. Would you be   B. Should you be  C. Could you be    D. Might you be


22.“Listen,there     .”“Oh,yes.There     .

A. goes the bell,it goes            B. goes the bell, goes it

C. the bell goes,it goes            D. the bell goes, goes it


第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.The man managed to make himself    in his    French.

A.understood,breaking           B.understand,broken

C.understand, breaking            D. understood, broken

