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35.-How often do you drop your English teacher a line?

   -    ,but usually once a week.

     A.As usual         B.Generally speaking C.It depends        D.Have no idea


34.The couple are spending their holiday on    is described as ore of the most beautiful


     A.what           B.that            C.which           D.where


33.It isn’t    that I should accept such an offer as that.

     A.seem           B.appear          C.likely            D.possibly


32.Over the past l00 years,sea level    steadily as a result of global warming.

    A.had increased      B.has been increasing     C.increased         D.is increasing


31.It is difficult to    between Mary and her younger sister

     A.decide          B.distinguish       C.explore          D.express


30.You have done so much that you are    pass the exam.

     A.bound to         B.turn to          C.adjust to         D.object to

