0  384414  384422  384428  384432  384438  384440  384444  384450  384452  384458  384464  384468  384470  384474  384480  384482  384488  384492  384494  384498  384500  384504  384506  384508  384509  384510  384512  384513  384514  384516  384518  384522  384524  384528  384530  384534  384540  384542  384548  384552  384554  384558  384564  384570  384572  384578  384582  384584  384590  384594  384600  384608  447090 

32. I thought him nice and honest ______ I met her.

  A. first time   B. for the first time   C. the first time   D. by the first time


31. It is not who is right but what is right ______ is of importance.

  A. which   B. it   C. that   D. this


30. I wonder how he could ______ not handing in his math exercises yesterday, for his math teacher is always strict with his students.

  A. get along with   B. get away with   C. get down to  D. get around


29. We are looking forward to ______ the problem of the traffic accident ______.

  A. see; solving   B. seeing ; solved   C. see;  to solve   D. seeing; solve


28. He ______ the money, for he is not such kind of person.

  A. can’t have stolen   B. mustn’t have stolen  

C. can’t steal      D. may not steal


27. ---- Excuse me sir, where is Room 301?

  ---- Just a minute. I’ll have Bob ______ you to your room.

  A. show   B. shows   C. to show   D. showing


26. ---- Did you enjoy yourself at the party?

  ---- Yes. I have never been to ______ one before.

  A. a more excited    B. the most excited  

C. the most exciting   D. a more exciting


25. In the coal mine disaster, most of the workers were killed but John ______ have a narrow escape.

  A. could   B. would   C. was able to   D. can


24. ----- I am not good at dancing, you know.

  ---- ______. It’s just for fun.

  A. Come on   B. Don’t say so   C. What a pity   D. Cheer up


23. ---- What clothes should we wear to attend the ball?

  ---- Dress ______ you like.

  A. whatever   B. whichever   C. however   D. what

