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6. I can think of many cases _______students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn't write a good essay.

A. why                     B. which

C. as                      D. where


5. New York, ________ I visited last year, is a nice old city.

     A. that                        B. which

C. when                       D. in which


4. The English play ________ my students acted at the New Year’s party was a great success.

    A. for which                    B. at which  

C. in which                     D. on which


3. I work in a business ______ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.

    A. how                        B. which

C. where                      D. that


2. Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 2003, __________ he studied very hard and was made Chairman of the Students’ Union.

    A. during which time              B. for which time

    C. during whose time              D. by that time


1. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from _____ effects the people are still suffering.

    A. that                        B. whose

C. those                       D. what


48. missed    49. behind  50. fail     51. shame   52. luckily


One possible version:

Dear David,

    Recently we have carried out the suggestion to play music during the class break, and the students have had many private talks about it. Their opinions mainly fall into two groups.

Most of us agree that music should be played. As we know, music can produce a lively and happy atmosphere. Besides, music brings us relaxation after hard study, which reduces the tiredness. Listening to music also makes us feel happy.

On the other hand, some students disagree. In their opinion, they can’t get the expected result from listening to music, as the break between classes is too short. What is needed during the break is peace instead of noise produced by the music. In addition, in class some students are still lost in the music they have heard during the break.

In my opinion, playing some music during the break is necessary, especially after the second period in the morning. And if we play some light music or some pop music that is not so noisy, it will be more popular with us students. Here, I’d like to listen to your opinion.


Li Xiang


43. mistaken   44. quite   45. teachers’   46. allow   47. fond 


42. B。广告一中给出了地址:Adams Street”。



41. D。文中用了“free consultation”, “private in-home training” 和 “stop problem behavior”


