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26.To test eggs,    them in a bowel of water; if they float they’re bad, if they sink they are good.

    A.put           B.putting         C.to put          D.to be putting


25.--- It was really very kind of you to give me a lift home.

   --- Oh, don’t mention it. I    past your house anyway.

    A.was coming     B.will come       C.had come       D.have come


24.I     along the street looking for a place to park when the accident     .

    A.went; was occurring               B.went; occurred

    C.was going; occurred               D.was going; has occurred


23.This is the first time we    a film in the cinema together as a family.

    A.see           B.had seen        C.saw           D.have seen


22.By the time he realizes he    into a trap, it’ll be too late for him to do anything about it.

    A.walks          B.walked         C.has walked      D.had walked



21.--- Do you think we should accept that offer?

   --- Yes, we should, for we    such bad luck up till now, and time    out.

    A.have had; is running               B.had; is running

    C.have; has been run                D.have had; has been run


1.Which city are the speakers talking about?

    A.Cardiff.             B.Edinburgh.           C.Manchester.

2.What do we know about the man’s vacation?

    A.There were many flies and mosquitoes.

    B.It is better than the previous one.

    C.It didn’t rain most of the time there.

3.How does the man go to work every day?

    A.By car.              B.By bus.              C.On foot.

4.What does the woman mean?

    A.She forgot the deadline of her report.

    B.The man should help her with her report.

    C.She needs more time to finish her report.

5.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

    A.Hostess and guest.      B.Salesgirl customer.      C.Waitress and guest.

6.What is the woman most probably?

    A.She is a teacher.       B.She is a manager.       C.She is a headmaster.

7.What are those students like?

    A.Shy.                B.Active.              C.Hard – working.

8.Why does the woman have to go?

    A.Because of the students.

    B.Because of her parents.

    C.Because of the headmaster.

9.What does the woman want to buy?

    A.A car.               B.A boat.              C.A motor bike.

10.What does the woman think of the model?

    A.Comfortable.         B.Expensive.           C.small.

11.How does the man plan to spend the holiday this year?

    A.To go to Egypt.        B.To stay at home.       C.To travel abroad alone.

12.What is the advantage of traveling by sea according to the woman?

    A.One can have a safe journey.

    B.One can enjoy the beautiful scene on the sea.

    C.One can have a better rest during the voyage.

13.What is the main concern of Bob’s wife about a trip to Egypt?

    A.How much a round – trip ticket will cost.

    B.How long the trip will take.

    C.Who is going to look after everything at home.

14.What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?

    A.Husband wife.         B.Customer and waiter.    C.Friends.

15.What are the speakers doing?

    A.Having a meeting.      B.Waiting for others.      C.Making a complaint.

16.Why hasn’t Patrick come?

    A.He got up late.        B.His wife was ill.       C.He has gone to New York.

17.Where probably is Samson now?

    A.On his way.          B.In his friend’s.         C.In a hospital.

18.When does the speaker give this report?

    A.Before the flight.       B.During the flight.      C.After the flight.

19.What does the speaker ask the passengers to do?

    A.Remain seated.        B.Check their luggage.    C.Fasten their seat belts

20.What is the flying altitude?

    A.35,000 feet.          B.40,000 feet.          C.45,000 feet.



[答案]深刻意蕴:     (1)飞渡峡谷的情景:表现人在自然面前接受挑战,战胜艰险;     (2)驮队的人际关系:体现团结协作,相互信任,关心爱护;     (3)动物形象:隐喻人应该像雄鹰飞翔、像骏马奔驰,而不是像牛那样软弱畏缩;     (4)“我”与领队的对照:表示人会在艰苦磨练中成长。

情感取向:     (1)骏马、雄鹰、高山峡谷:对雄奇险峻崇高的赞美;     (2)领队、精瘦汉子:对乐观向上人生态度的赞美;     (3)牛的恐惧、发抖:对平庸、畏难的厌弃。     (4)本文所写生存画面:张扬了原始、野性的阳刚之美。




[答案](1)“懒懒”地说话、“稳稳”地坐在马上:表现他在怒江天险前的从容不迫,胸有成竹;     (2)敲一敲溜索,“吼”我过江:表现他认真负责,关爱部下;     (3)瞟一眼,问一声:表现他受人尊敬,与手下配合默契;     (4)一声唿哨、最后一个过溜索:表现他的英雄气概,粗犷豪迈。




[答案]牛不肯挪动半步的恐惧和溜索时流泪发抖:  (1)侧面表现怒江峡谷的高峻险恶;     (2)与“我”“战战兢兢”互相映衬;又与领队及汉子的勇敢无畏形成反衬。


