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46.There    be any difficulty in passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in driving school.

    A.mustn’t        B.shouldn’t       C.shan’t         D.needn’t


45.He paid for a seat, when he    free.

    A.should have entered               B.could have entered 

    C.could enter                      D.would enter


44.He seldom listens to others. He     answers for what he has done.

    A.shall          B.will           C.can           D.would


43.It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it    be rather cold sometimes.

    A.must          B.would         C.should         D.can


42.The manager believes that prices will rise by more than     4%.

    A.any other       B.the other       C.another        D.other


41.The teacher together with the students    discussing Writing skills that     newly published in America.

    A.are; were       B.are; was        C.is; was         D.is; were


40.Jim sold most of this things. He has hardly    left in the house.

    A.nothing        B.something      C.anything        D.everything


39.The information on the Internet spreads much more rapidly than    in the newspaper.

    A.that           B.it             C.those          D.one


38.It is said that Nigeria is    Great Britain.

    A.three time the size of              B.the size three times of  

    C.three times as the size of            D.three times the size of


37.If you grow up in    large family, you are more likely to develop     ability to get on well with    others.

    A./; an; the       B.the; an; the      C.a; the; /        D.a; the; the

