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25. He is used to _____ every morning now though he used not to _____ it in the past.

    A. jogging; doing  B. jogging; do     C. jog; do           D. jog; doing


24. Mary is the only one of the girls who _____ often late for school.

    A. is               B. are              C. comes        D. get


23. It is the Party _____ makes _____ for us to live a happy life.

    A. who; it is possible  B. which; it possible  C. which; it is possible  D. that; it possible


22. I appreciate _____ to relax with you on this nice island.

    A. to have time       B. having time        C. having no time      D. to have no time


21. – Do you often listen to _____ radio?

  – No, in fact, I often watch _____TV.

    A. /; /              B. the; the           C. /; the             D. the; /


26. 如图8所示,质量m1=0.3kg的小车静止在光滑的水平面上,车长L=1.5m,现有质量m2=0.2kg可视为质点的物块,以水平向右的速度v0=2m/s从左端滑上小车,最后在车面上某处与小车保持相对静止。物块与车面间的动摩擦因数=0.5,取g=10 m/s2,求


 (2)要使物块不从小车右端滑出,物块滑上小车左端的速度′ 不超过多少。



25. 如图7所示:甲、乙两个小孩各乘一辆冰车在水平面上游戏,甲和他的冰车的质量共为M=30kg,乙和他的冰车的质量也是30kg,游戏时甲推一个质量15kg的箱子,以大小为v0=2.0m/s的速度滑行,乙以同样大小的速度迎面滑来,为避免相撞,甲将箱子推给乙,求甲至少以多大的速度(相对地面)将箱子推出,才能避免相撞?


24. 已知水的密度为,水的摩尔质量

(1)求:1 cm3的水中有多少个水分子;


