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21.    of the heavy burden of homework,the children rushed out of the classroom and enjoyed themselves.

  A.To be free              B.Freeing               C.To free            D.Freed

  答案  D


20.We all went to the shop to blame the manager because our best friend,Tom was believed

       for no good reason.

  A.having been searched  B.to have searched         C.to have been searched D.having searched

  答案  C


19.His essay was entirely based on data        from reliable historical records.

  A.collecting              B.to collect          C.collected              D.being collected

  答案  C


18.    Chinese traditional paintings,Sally has come to China to learn how to paint.

  A.Adoring            B.Appealing             C.Adored               D.Appealed

  答案  A


17.    out of work for a few months,mother took up the job of waiting on patients in hospitals.

  A.To be                 B.Being                C.Having been           D.Having

  答案  C


16.Thinking about the fact that I was not prepared well enough,and        to lose my face,I gave up this year’s Civil Service Exam.

  A.didn’t want         B.not wanted         C.not wanting        D.not to want

  答案  C


15.  in 1864 in Geneva,Switzerland,the agreement was intended to protect the wounded soldiers and limit human suffering in time of war.

  A.To have been signed   B.Having signed          C.Signed            D.Being signed

  答案  C


14. ` all her spare time to her study during the three years,she finally took the first place in  her school in the College Entrance Examination and received the admission notice from her dream university.

  A.Devoted            B.Having devoted      C.To be devoted          D.She had devoted

  答案  B


13.      by others when you do nothing wrong at all is quite a bad experience.

  A.Having been misunderstood                   B.Being misunderstood

  C.Having misunderstood                       D.Misunderstood

  答案  B


12.      to the assistance you gave that disabled student,mine is not worth mentioning at all.

 pare              pared            paring            D.To compare

  答案  B

