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35. You must spend less time on the baseball field and ______ doing homework. Your grades aren’t too good, as you know.

A. much        B. many       C. more       D. most


34. People talked much about the film. There was no obvious reason why it could not be ______ the original.

A. a as good film as  B. a as film good as   C. as a good film as  D. as good a film as


33. The first time I wrote a short story I was proud of, she read it to the class because she knew it needed ______.

A. to be shared    B. being shared     C. to share      D. shared


32. Sometimes we become so focused on getting things done that we ______ to give ourselves a break.

A. have forgotten   B. had forgotten    C. forgot      D. forget


31. There’s probably ______ no simpler way to lose ______ weight than to stop watching television.

A. a; 不填      B. a; the       C. 不填; 不填    D. 不填; the


30. It wasn’t ______ years later that pizzas were introduced and soon became popular in the United States.

A. until       B. after       C. before      D. when


29. With my Christmas shopping all ______ care of, I am currently enjoying the benefits of being at home.

A. to take       B.  to be taken    C. taken       D. taking


28. - I’m going to the skating rink, Mrs. Jenkins. Are you driving that way?

-Not exactly. But ______ I drop you off at the corner of Main Street? It’s only a few blocks away.

 A. how about     B. what if      C. so what      D. why not

