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35.     of his bad behavior, he lost his job.

    A.In consequence                   B.In a consequence

    C.As consequence                  D.In a result


34.The number of people invited     fifty, but a number of them     absent for different reasons.

    A.were; was       B.was; were       C.was; was       D.were; were


33.     turned out that the result was not     he had expected.

    A.It; which       B.What; that      C.That; what      D.It; what


32.I have to go to the supermarket, because our food supplies      .

    A.are run out                      B.have been run out

    C.are running out                   D.have run out of


31.--- I don’t think it wise to spend so much money on the project.

   --- That’s true.     the cost, it’ll take a long time.

    A.Apart from      B.But for         C.Together with    D.Rather than

