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8.    从句

e.g. Next time you come in, please close the door. 下次你进来时请关好门。

However often I try, I can’t find the answer. 不管尝试多少次,我都找不到答案。


7.    复合结构

e.g. It being a holiday, the library isn’t open. 这天是假日,图书馆不开门。

They will send you the book for $2.50, postage included. 他们将把书寄给你,书价2.50美圆,邮资在内。


6. 词组

e.g. I shall stay another five months. 我将再待五个月。

First thing in the morning we swept the courtyard for the landlord. 每天早上我们的第一件事就是给房东扫院子。


5. 形容词

e.g. He said nothing but sat silent smoking. 他没说话,只静坐在那里抽烟。

Fresh from the oven, rolls are delicious. 刚出炉的小面包很好吃。


4. 分词(短语)

e.g. Being a poor teacher, he can’t afford to buy a car. 他是一位穷教师,买不起汽车。

Compared to her affection, nothing else had any worth. 和她的感情相比,别的东西都没有什么价值。


3. 不定式(短语)

e.g. I went there to see my grandmother. 我到那里去看我奶奶。

The suitcase is too heavy to be carried by a child. 箱子太重小孩拿不动。


2. 介词短语

e.g. He traveled in the desert for six months. 他在沙漠里走了六个月。

We have friends all over the world. 我们的朋友遍天下。


1. 副词

e.g. He secretly decided to leave the town. 他私下决定离开这座城市。

We’ll raise the money somehow. 我们将来以某种方式筹集这笔钱。


4. occupy oneself (in doing sth/with sth) “忙着(做某事);忙(于某事)”。

e.g. How does he occupy himself now he is retired?


They are all gone.他们都走了。

[点拨] gone 此处是形容词,意为“离开,离去”,另外,gone 还有“过去”之意。

e.g. Gone are the days when you could buy a three-course meal for under $1.


And make it short, because it’s time to close up. 快点说,该关门了。

[点拨] close (sth) up “(尤指暂时)关闭(某事物)”。

e.g. Sorry madam, we’re closing up for lunch.


He closes the shop up at 5.30.


close up 还可以指伤口愈合。

e.g. The cut took a long time to close up. 伤口经过很长时间才愈合。

Alone is what you are, and what you have been. 你是孤单的,你一直都是孤单的。

[点拨] 此句是倒装。alone 是副词,在句中作表语,这里是表语前置;其的主语为what you are 和what you have been.

Integrating skills

These are but shadows of the past. 这些只是过去的影子。

[点拨] but 此处是副词,意为“只,仅仅”。

e.g. He is but a boy. 他不过是个孩子。

I don’t think we can succeed. Still we can but try.


Another idol has taken my place. 另一个偶像取代了我。

[点拨] take sb’s/sth’s place`; take the place of sb/sth 代替某人/某事物

e.g. She couldn’t attend the meeting so her assistant took her place.


Nothing could take the place of the family he had lost.


That’s not what life is about! 钱不是生活的全部!

[点拨] what life is about 是从句作表语。

You only have eyes for money. 你就只爱钱。

[点拨] (only) have eyes for sb/sth. ; have eyes (only) for sb/sth---only be interested in or in love with (a specified person) (只)对……感兴趣;(只)爱恋/喜欢……

e.g. In Amsterdam, I had eyes only for the Rembrandts.


All the girls liked Fred, but he had eyes only for Helen.


[点拨] have an eye/a good eye for… 意为“对……有眼光”。

e.g. He has an eye for the fair and the beautiful. 他有审美眼光。

You’ve got it all wrong. 你全弄错了。

[点拨] 此句中 all 副词,意为“completely 完全地”,修饰 wrong;wrong 是形容词,作it 的宾语补足语。

Nobody knows it better than you do, poor fellow. 没有人比你更了解他了,可怜的人。

[点拨] know sb/sth well 对……熟知,对……很了解;do 代指knows。


语法:状语(The Adverbial)



3. occupy意为 “live in or have possession of (a house, land, etc)” “占用,占有(房屋、土地等)”。

e.g. The family have occupied the farm for many years.


They occupy the house next door. 他们住在隔壁。

