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29.-- She shouldn’t have done that sort of thing.

      -- Whatever she did was reasonable, _______ to what you did. Besides, it’s none of your business. Get down to _______ your lessons.

A. comparing; doing   B. comparing; do   C. compared; doing  D. compared; do


28.The soldiers soon reached ________ was once an old temple _____ the villagers used as a school.

A. which; where    B. what; which    C. where; which    D. what; where


26._________seems no need to wait any longer. They won’t turn up.

A. It          B. He        C. There            D. That

27.-- Has Mr. White arrived?

   -- Yes, already, _______ he wait outside or just come in?

     A.Shall                B.May               C.Could             D.Must


25.-- Do you have anything in mind________ you’d like for supper?

   -- Well, ______ is okay with me.

A. that; anything   B. what; anything   C. which; everything  D. what; something


24.--I am afraid I have to give it up,

   -- Remember _______ sticks to his work will succeed at last.

A. who     B. whoever      C. anyone      D. no matter who


23.-- How can I take the medicine, sir?

   -- Just follow the ______ on the bottle.

A. information    B. explanations    C. directions    D. introduction


22.Among all these presents______ a very nice watch, which was given by my dear teacher.

     A.including          B.include           C.is included        D.are included



21. ________ friend of my grandfather’s will come tomorrow. I’m wondering how old _____ man he might be.

     A.The; a            B.The; the           C.A; a             D.A; the




6. Why is the man so happy ?

  A. He has got a new job in the government.    B. He has seen his brother and sister.  

C. He is going to get lots of money.

7. How did the man’s uncle get his $15,000?

  A. By selling his land to the government.     B. By opening a hospital.     

C. By working in the government.

8. What is not mentioned as a way to do with the money ?

  A. To put it into the bank.       B. To pay off debts   C. To buy a house.


9. How long does the winter last in the woman’s country according to the conversation?

  A. Six months.      B. Four months.    C. Two months.

10.Who spends more money on clothes?

  A. People in the man’s country.         B. People in the woman’s country.      

 C. All the men in the speakers’ countries.

11.What can we know about people in the man’ country from the woman ?

  A. It’s not easy to get along well with them.  B. They have the same things to worry about.    C. They needn’t worry about their children.


12. What is the problem with the woman?

  A. She doesn’t know what kind of shoes she should buy.

  B. She hardly knows what color is suitable for her grandson.       

 C. She doesn’t know what size her grandson wears.

13. How old is the woman’s grandson?

  A. 8 years old.    B. 9 years old.     C. 13 years old.

14. What can we know from the conversation?

  A. The shoes there are very expensive.    B. The man is very helpful.      

C. The woman will waste a lot of money.


15. What can we know about mahjong according to the conversation ?

A. It’s a beneficial hobby. B. It can become an addiction C. It’s too boring to play mahjong.

16. Which of the following is the man’s other hobby ?

A. Collecting stamps.   B. Watching TV series.    C. Collecting science books.

17. What are the speakers going to do after the talk ?

A. Teach their partners.   B. Learn old card games.   C. Play mahjong games.


18. How old are most American students when they graduate from secondary school ?

A. Fifteen or sixteen years old.     B Sixteen or seventeen years old

C. Seventeen or eighteen years old.

19.Why don’t the parents have to pay the public school for their children’s education ?

A. They are too poor to afford it.    B. Those schools are supported by tax money.    

C. Those schools are supported by rich school.

20. What students at state universities will pay a bit less money for their college expenses?

  A. Students whose parents live in that state.   B. Students whose families are not rich.        C. Students who have part-time jobs.



1. How old is the man’s brother ?

A. About 28 years old.    B. About 38 years old.   C. About 48 years old.

2. What will the man do this weekend?

  A. Work in his garden.    B. Go to the picnic.     C. Go to the company.

3. Why does the woman say “I’m sorry” ?

  A. She has never met the man before.     B. The man can’t recognize her at once. 

  C. She has forgotten her meeting with the man.

4. What will the man probably do after the talk?

A. Smoke the cigarettes himself.        B. Bring his wife the cigarettes.

C. Let Sarah smoke the cigarettes.

5. What does the woman think the man should do ?

 A .Move to another part of the plane.  B. Just smoke like her. C. Sit where there is a breeze.

