0  386213  386221  386227  386231  386237  386239  386243  386249  386251  386257  386263  386267  386269  386273  386279  386281  386287  386291  386293  386297  386299  386303  386305  386307  386308  386309  386311  386312  386313  386315  386317  386321  386323  386327  386329  386333  386339  386341  386347  386351  386353  386357  386363  386369  386371  386377  386381  386383  386389  386393  386399  386407  447090 

15. 下列词语中没有错别字的一组是 ( )(3分)

   A.沉湎   滥摊子   勉为其难   钩玄提要

   B.装璜   炮筒子   以偏概全   喧宾夺主

C.惊蛰   半吊子   声名鹊起   病人膏肓

D.蓝本   翘辫子   陨身不恤   蛛丝马迹


   Dear Mr. and Mrs. Black,

It’s really my fortune to spend my coming summer vacation with you. It’s my first time to go to America. I have a lot of things to prepare, Now I’m writing to ask several questions about my travel.

 Firstly, I want to learn about the climate of San Francisco, because I’m not sure what kind of clothes I should wear there. Is the climate there the same as that in Beijing/ Secondly, I want to know whether I ought to take cash or a credit card with me. And, is it necessary to change RMB into US dollars at home? Besides, I’ll arrive at the San Francisco Airport at 3:00 p.m. on August 10th by plane. I think we’ll have a good time.

 I’m looking forward to your reply!

                              Yours truly,

                               Ma Ling


Many years ago, I was travelling in the northwest of Indian. One evening, after hunting in the


forest all day, I was returning alone to the place which I had put up my tent. It was growing dark


but I was walking along a narrow path. On my right was a wide river, and on my left,^ thick dark

and                                  a

forest. Suddenly, I saw two eyes looking at me from among the trees. A tiger was about to jump

on me. What should I do? Should I jump into the river and hoped to save my life by swimming?


I looked to the right. In the river there was a huge crocodile waited to welcome me with its


mouth widely open. I was so frightened that I closed my eyes. When I opened it, what do you

    wide                            them

think was happened? The tiger had jumped right over me and was now in the mouth of the


crocodile. Believe ^or not!



6.acknowledging  7. scared   8. reflecting  9. envied   10. approval

