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1.下列加点字的读音完全正确的一项是(  )

A.漫(shuò)    罗(qǐ)     (kè)守     慰(jiè)

B.(gèn)古    倾(pǐ)     (zhào)唤    发(jiào)

C.静(mì)     做(cháo) (zhuó)热  (duó)步

D.(tān)圮    拜(yè)     商(ɡǔ)    (xuán)耀


35. -Come in, please. Make yourself at home.


  -I’m glad you like it.

  A.Thanks. You have a nice place here.     B. Oh, this picture is so beautiful

  C. Thanks. What nice food you’ve prepared!   D. OK. Let me look around your new house


34.Mr Green told us ____ talk loudly in class.

  A. didn’t  B. don’t   C. not to  D. to not


33.Many people are learning   English language.

    A.a              B.the           C./              D.an

