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38.They made a great effort to prepare the exhibition, ______ to achieve a big success.

    A.hoped         B.hoping        C.to hope         D.hope


37.If I can help ________ , I don't like working late into the night.

    A.so        B.that        C.it         D.them


36.________ you've got a chance to go abroad for further study, why not seize it ?

    A.Now that     B.As though     C.In case       D.Ever since


35.________ homework did I have to do that I had to stay up late.

    A.So much      B.Too much     C.Too little      D.So little


34.Chen Fang , as well as his two colleagues, ________ for a trip to Tibet in a month.

    A.goes           B.go            C.is going     D.are going


33.I spent ________ time doing the job, but I didn’t do any better than he.

    A.as twice        B.twice much      C.twice much as    D.twice as much


32.This new kind of chemical will help keep the air, soil and water________ from pollution.

    A.empty         B.loose          C.free         D.short


31.You ________ worry about it , as everything has been settled now.

    A.shouldn’t      B.needn’t       C.can’t       D.mustn’t


30.I fixed my eyes upon the newcomer, wondering whether I ________ him somewhere before.

    A.saw        B.has seen      C.had seen     D.would see


29.________ worries me a lot is that I keep forgetting what I have just done.

    A.As          B.What       C.That        D.It

