0  386545  386553  386559  386563  386569  386571  386575  386581  386583  386589  386595  386599  386601  386605  386611  386613  386619  386623  386625  386629  386631  386635  386637  386639  386640  386641  386643  386644  386645  386647  386649  386653  386655  386659  386661  386665  386671  386673  386679  386683  386685  386689  386695  386701  386703  386709  386713  386715  386721  386725  386731  386739  447090 

31.Europe has achieved more in controlling the AIDS virus than Asia in the past ten years, _________ the number of people infected with the virus is going up sharply.

     A.when             B.that              C.so that       D.where


30.For most Americans, their 18th birthday   the end of one part of their life and beginning of another.

     A.predicts         B.tells         C.marks            D.signs


29.It ______ heavily when he got back home for he was wet all over.

     A.was raining                B.must have been raining

     C.must be raining              D.rained


28.-Very little use was _____ the waste water in the past.

     A.made of          B.make from      C.made up          D.make into


27.-Miss Broun is very busy, isn’t she?

     -So she is.She has     greater responsibilities since she was promoted.

     A.taken off        B.taken after      C.taken in      D.taken on


26.-You can’t imagine ____ fantastic fun web chatting is.

     -Really? But it may cause a lot of trouble sometimes.

     A.what          B.how              C.why              D.so


25.-What did the doctor say?

     - He said, “   on time, this medicine will be quite effective”.

     A.Taking          B.Take         C.Taken            D.Being taken


24.There is no excuse,    , for hurting her feelings.

     A.but           B.yet          C.although        D.though


23.­-You look so young.Haven’t you graduated from your university?

     -Yes, I     in the English Department of Shandong University for four years.

     A.studied         B.study         C.had studied      D.was studying


22.-Is that a book on painting? If so, I want to borrow   

     -Yes, it is.

     A.this            B.it              C.one            D.the one

