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12.As a mother,I seldom give my children so difficult a job         they can’t do actively.

  A.that               B.as            C.which            D.if

  答案  B


11.Some students think that learning a foreign language is slow and difficult-just think of the hours of hard work          they have spent learning it.

  A.which             B.when             C.while             D.in which

  答案  A


10.After 10 years of hard time,the young lady has turned movie star,      she dreamed of becoming in her childhood.

  A.who              B.which            C.that              D.what

  答案  B


9.The National Education Department says that school safety has set off alarm bells with frequent reports of serious accidents       students got injured or killed.

  A.that            B.in which           C.by which          D.for whom

  答案  B


8.Since 1995,       people call the Year of the Internet,the world has turned flat thanks to the network.

A.when               B.which            C.in which           D.by which time

答案  B


7.Is there a magic cutoff period      children become responsible for their own actions?

  A.that                B.on which              C.which                D.when

  答案  D


6.Have you ever been in a situation          you know the other person is right yet you can not

  agree with him?

  A.which                  B.that                  C.when                D.where

  答案  D


5.He made another wonderful discovery,        of great importance to science.

  A.which I think is       B.which I think it is    C.which I think it      D.I think which is

  答案  A


4.Every day we have to face new challenges and problems.Actually,stress isn’t such a bad thing

            is often supposed to be.

  A.which                  B.as                   C.what                 D.that

  答案  B


3.The book is written in     easy English      beginners can understand.

  A.so;that                 B.such;that              C.so;as                 D.such;as

  答案  D

