0  386929  386937  386943  386947  386953  386955  386959  386965  386967  386973  386979  386983  386985  386989  386995  386997  387003  387007  387009  387013  387015  387019  387021  387023  387024  387025  387027  387028  387029  387031  387033  387037  387039  387043  387045  387049  387055  387057  387063  387067  387069  387073  387079  387085  387087  387093  387097  387099  387105  387109  387115  387123  447090 

2. else修饰somebody, what, who, something 时,要后置.


1. some, any, anything, nobody, somewhere, nothing等词的修饰语要后置.


 keep  keep sth.      保持,保留,留下,保留

  link.v.  保持,继续    keep + adj. / adv. keep + 介词短语   keep sb. (sth.) + 分词

     keep sb. (sth.) + adj. / adv.         keep sb. (sth.) + 介词短语

     keep a close watch on 密切注视                    keep a diary   记日记

  keep a record      作记录                 keep an eye on   瞧着点, 照看

  keep doing sth.   老是做...               keep on doing sth.    老是不断做...

  keep body and soul together 维持生命            keep ...from...  阻止...做...

  keep back    忍住, 留下           keep fit          保持健康

     keep in touch with     与…保持联系          keep on  ( doing sth. )   继续(做某事)

   keep one’s word  守信                  keep ...in mind   记住

  keep silence   保持安静,保持沉默       keep up   保持,继续(做...)

  keep up with    跟上

B. 短语记忆: 

be about to do sth.   即将做...            be anxious about   为...而忧虑

be busy with    忙于...                        be fit for         适合于 

be fond of      爱好、喜爱                  be made from       由...制造

be made up of    由...组成                be familiar with     对...熟悉

be famous for     因...而著名            be popular with sb.    受某人欢迎

be rich in     在...充足(充裕)              be tired of      厌烦做某事

be uncertain  about    对...不确定              be used to      习惯于

C. 记住下列动词并写出它们的汉语意思:

tie  vt.            tire  v.              touch  v.       train  v.             travel  v.

treat  v.           tremble  vi.          trouble  v.      trust  v.             try  v.

  understand  v.          undertake  vt.        unite  v.        upset  vt.           urge  vt.

use  vt.


write    bring      fetch     give      hand      leave      lend       make      take  tell

wish    pass      pay       promise    read      sell      send     show     sing  teach 

 如果谓语动词是下列动词, 直接宾语放在宾语之前, 应加介词for.

       build  buy     choose    cook     cut  do  draw   find    get  save  make 


4.  用不定式符号代替不定式.                      5. 用do在句子中代替其它动词.


3.  用not代替so的情况. 


2.  so代替前面句子中已经表达过的词,短语或句子(多是宾与从句). 与so 连用的常用动词有:

hope , believe,  think ,  be afraid ,  expect ,  surprise,  imagine等.


1.  省略与代替的作用是什么?


4. 如何利用独立主格结构化简复合句.



3. 独立主格结构中出现现在分词与过去分词的使用区别. 

