0  386985  386993  386999  387003  387009  387011  387015  387021  387023  387029  387035  387039  387041  387045  387051  387053  387059  387063  387065  387069  387071  387075  387077  387079  387080  387081  387083  387084  387085  387087  387089  387093  387095  387099  387101  387105  387111  387113  387119  387123  387125  387129  387135  387141  387143  387149  387153  387155  387161  387165  387171  387179  447090 

27.Was is that I said or something I did   made you feel so low, Helen?

    A.which         B.what          C.when          D.that


26.Many of the English programs,     Follow Me and Follow Me to Science, were well received at that time.

    A.that is         B.as for          C.such as         D.according to


25.With prices    going up, it is sometimes difficult for us to make ends meet on our small income.

    A.kept           B.keeping        C.to keep         D.being kept


24.President Hu and Obama delivered brief prepared comments on their discussions,    had lasted for two and a half hours.

    A.which         B.what          C.that           D.it


23.We hurried all the way to the airport, only    that the flight had been called off because of the foggy weather.

    A.being told      B.to be told       C.having told      D.to have been told


22.The artist, whose early career was far from being    success, is now widely recognized as

      master of painting.

    A./ ; a           B./ ; the          C.a; a           D.a; the



21.--- Thank you very much for giving me a lift here.

   ---      .

    A.With pleasure                    B.Yes, I do

    C.No, never mind                  D.My pleasure



(1)20世纪20年代,安徽阜阳城北商业贸易繁荣,原因是  河是对外通商口岸,说明   对城址的选择有很大影响。

(2)20世纪20年代后,商业中心移至三里河一带,原因是  ,说明城市的布局向  的位置移动。

(3)20世纪70年代后,淮南铁路、京九铁路相继建成,阜阳成为重要的  城市,火车站附近形成河东  区和  区。

(4)阜阳对外通商口岸先后发生了三次重大变迁,说明交通因素对              的影响。


答案:(1)泉 河流 (2)泉河淤塞 交通便利 (3)铁路枢纽 工业 仓库 (4)城市空间地域形态和商业中心位置

