0  387059  387067  387073  387077  387083  387085  387089  387095  387097  387103  387109  387113  387115  387119  387125  387127  387133  387137  387139  387143  387145  387149  387151  387153  387154  387155  387157  387158  387159  387161  387163  387167  387169  387173  387175  387179  387185  387187  387193  387197  387199  387203  387209  387215  387217  387223  387227  387229  387235  387239  387245  387253  447090 

17.The little girl showed no anxiety before the competition.She seemed _____ for it pretty well.A.to prepare                         B.to have prepared   

    C.having prepared                  D.to be preparing   


16.Never before ______ to ______ what his parents expect of him more than it is today .

  A.he has failed; live up to             B.he failed not; come up with

  C.has he failed; live up to             D.did he failed; come up with


15._____ on May Day, the Shanghai Expo has attracted tens of thousands of visitors around the world every day.

A.Having opened   B.Opened         C.Opening        D.To open


14.I’m not sure exactly how much money you’ll receive, but it will __________ cover your major expenses.

    A.firmly         B.roughly        C.relatively       D.urgently


13.________ I cannot understand is ________ she wants to resign her present job.

  A.What; why      B.Which; how     C.That; why       D.What; which


12._______ most children nowadays are the only children, they tend to be more self-centered.

  A.Ever since      B.Now that       C.Only if         D.Even though


11.The middle-aged man said he would accept the job, so we have asked him to ________ his acceptance in writing.

    A.confirm        B.convey         C.convince       D.consider


10.__________ the clouds, you would find the airplane in the sky easily

    A.Had it not been for               B.If it were not 

    C.If it had not been for              D.Were it not for


9.My toothache is killing me.I _____ it _____ away.But now it’s getting worse and worse.

    A.think; is going              B.thought; was going     

  C.have thought; is going           D.had thought; had gone


8. -Jack, this is the third time that you have been late this week.

-Sorry, sir, but I was_____ for 15 minutes on the way here in the traffic jam.

  A.held up        B.put up        C.taken up       D.given up

