0  387172  387180  387186  387190  387196  387198  387202  387208  387210  387216  387222  387226  387228  387232  387238  387240  387246  387250  387252  387256  387258  387262  387264  387266  387267  387268  387270  387271  387272  387274  387276  387280  387282  387286  387288  387292  387298  387300  387306  387310  387312  387316  387322  387328  387330  387336  387340  387342  387348  387352  387358  387366  447090 

8.All the tasks   ahead of time,they decided to go on holiday for a week.

  A.had been finished    B.were finished     C.having been finished  D.been finished

  答案  C


7.-All the passengers were injured in the accident?

  -No,     only three children.

  A.it was          B.it were        C.there were       D.there was

  答案  A


6.-It is    that Zhang Dan and Zhang Hao will win pairs free skating programme.

  -Don’t be so     .

  A.sure;certain       B.certain;sure      C.sure;sure       D.certain;certain

  答案  B


5.    this afternoon,you would have to come again next week.

 A.The boss didn’t return              B.The boss were not to return

 C.Were the boss not to return            C.Didn’t the boss return

答案  C


4.It is around 100 years,as is known to all,    the first modern Olympic Games were held.

  A.before          B.that          C.since         D.when

  答案  C


3.Personally I think it is the headmaster,rather than the students,    to blame in this


  A.is            B.that is        C.are          D.who are

  答案  B


2.    is it    has made you feel so upset?

  A.What;that        B.How;which       C.When;what       D.Which;as

  答案  A


1.My parents     lots of food and money then to make sure I don’t starve;so starving

is     of my worries.

  A.do leave;the most                B.did have left;the most

  C.do have left;the least              D.did leave;the least

  答案  D



  It’s nothing unusual to experience failure,and   ought we to be so discouraged.

  A.in no time       B.by all means      C.by no means      D.in any condition

  答案  C



  It is     fashion differs from country to country   may reflect the cultural differences 

  from one respect.

  A./;that         B.that;/         C.how;that        D.that;that

  答案  D

