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33. Students taking the course ______ to finish their homework with the help of computers.

  A. are encouraged                  B. have encouraged 

C. are encouraging                       D. had been encouraged


32. ______ colorful charts and graphs, he loaded a new software to help him.

  A. Create           B. Created          C. Creating         D. To create


31. I’m afraid I’ve little time to spare these days. I’ve a pile of papers to     before the meeting.

     A.get through       B.put on            C.set up            D.send for


30. ––Have you seen your aunt lately?

––Yes, in fact I saw her yesterday. I ______ her for several months.

A. haven’t seen      B. didn’t see        C. hadn’t seen      D. don’t see


29. I’ll try it again. Never in my life ______ such a particular difficulty.

 A. had I met       B. have I met    C. I had met        D. I have met


28. You have a big mouth, Tom. You ______ have told everybody the secret.

  A. can’t         B. mustn’t       C. shouldn’t      D. mightn’t


27. My dog made a mess in the living room, ______ really annoyed me.

A. who               B. when              C. that              D. which


26. They made a great effort to prepare the exhibition, ______ to achieve a big success.

  A. hoped         B. hoping          C. to hope         D. hope


25. It is still unclear ______ the little boy got the CD player to work.

  A. where             B. what            C. that              D. how 


24. -Ring me at six tomorrow morning, will you?

-Why that early? I ______.

A. will be sleeping  B. will sleep        C. have slept     D. have been sleeping

