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40. -Would you like to watch the video, in which you can see foreigners making jiaoji during the Spring Festival?

  -Sure, it ______ be very interesting.

    A. should                   B. may

C. can                    D. will


39. -How is that, Joan?

  -Yeah, it’s from the boss. She _________ first, whether she likes it.

    A. shall go                  B. ought to have gone

C. should go                  D. must have gone


38. - _______ he help you with the problem?

  -Well, though it is very hard, __________ I’ll do what I can to work it out.

    A. Shall; but                  B. Can; and

C. Must; however                D. Will; still


37. -Is there a fog in the evening?

  -There _______ be. I’ll make a phone call to find it out.

    A. must                    B. would

C. will                     D. might


36. - You ought to have made an apology to Tom yesterday evening.

  - Yes, I know I _________.

    A. ought to                     B. have to

C. should have                      D. must have


35. From what you said, she _____ you about it.

    A. mustn’t have told              B. can’t have told

C. mustn’t tell                   D. can’t tell


34. He _____ full marks, but he was so careless as to make a spelling mistake.

    A. must have gained              B. can have gained

C. could have gained              D. must gain


33. - She must have gone back to the valley.

  - ______, she _____ have. The entrance to it was nowhere to be found.

    A. No; mustn’t                  B. Yes; might

C. Yes; could                   D. No; couldn’t


32. You ________ phone him if you want to, but you _________. He is sure to phone you.

    A. may; mustn’t                 B. have to; needn’t

C. can; doesn’t need              D. can; needn’t


31. -I didn’t see her yesterday.

  - Of course, you _____, because he had gone for a trip.

A. can’t                       B. may not have

C. can’t have                   D. mustn’t have

