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30. Many of the scientists and engineers are judged    how great their achievements are.

  A.in spite of    B.in charge of    C.in favor      D.in terms of 


29. Despite what I’d been told about the native people’s attitude towards strangers,   did I come across any rudeness.

  A.in no time    B.at no time      C.in any time     D.at any time


28. -Do you like the place of interest?      

-On the contrary, it’s the    place that I want to visit.

A.worst          B.last            C.best          D.latest


27. John thought he was   when the manage asked him for the advice one the new product.

  A.something       B.anything     C.somebody    D.anybody


26.  Just as Professor Scotti often _____ it, success is ninety-nine percent mental attitude.

A.gets          B.makes         C.puts         D.means


25.  -How was the weather then?

-Hardly ______ off the plane when it started to rain.

A.I had stepped    B.had I stepped   C.I stepped      D.did I step


24.  Had she _______ her promise,she would have made it to Yale University.

A.looked up to   B.lived up to       C.kept up with     e up with


23.  This design is ________ satisfactory.So you’ll have to try your best to better it.

A.nothing but     B.anything but   C.all but         D.everything but


22.  How much salt did you put in the soup?

-I’m sorry to say, ______. I forgot

A.none      B. no one     C nothing        D. no


第一节:单项填空 (共20小题;每小题0.5分满分10分)

21. In China, ______ pressure to pass _____ exams tends to cause lack of students’ creativity.

A  /; the        B  a; the     C. the; /          D. / ; the

