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31. - I'm wondering why the visitors chose to stay with the host family.

- _____real local life.

A. Experiencing      B. Experience        C. To experience    D. Having experienced


30. How long do you think it will be _____ we can find a new water source?

A. after       B. before            C. when         D. since


29. High up in the mountains _____ a quiet small village, with only 20 households.

A. surrounds     B. locates           C. lies          D. lays


28. A heavy snow promises a good harvest, _____ is often the case.

A. where       B. as             C. that        D. what


27. After his wife died, he kept himself _____ from other people and the outside world,

A. set off       B. cut off            C. put off        D. taken off


26. - Why is little Jimmy so naughty today?              A. will be      B. is being

- He is bored, so he _____ a little silly.              C. had been      D. would be


25. - Real Madrid is sure to win the match!

- It's hard to say. You know, anything _____ happen even in the last minute.

A. can        B. must            C. should       D. need


24. Thomas set off, leaving word with his daughter _____ he would come back soon.

A. who         B. when            C. what         D. that


23. Our train was two hours ______ because of strong winds and heavy rains.

A. late        B. later            C. latest          D. lately


22. _____ computer has been proved to be _____ important aid in classroom teaching.

A. The; an      B. The; the           C. A; the       D. A; /

