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35.She is only a(n)    ,not a friend of mine.

A.acquaintance     B.familiarity   C.announcement  D.family


34.I can’t    my studies with all that noise going on.

 A.devote to     centrate on  C.knock down  D.apply to


33.I     the French written papers but failed in the English oral examination.

 A.got through     B.looked through  C.went through  D.lived through


32.You might as well expect a river to flow backward    us carrying out the plan.

A.than stop      B.as to stop    C.as stop    D.so as to stop


31.Children under 14 must be     by an adult.

panied    B.accompanied  C.punished   D.embarrassed


30. She felt even more ____ when she was waiting ____ among strangers.

  A. lonely; lonely  B. alone; alone  C. alone; lonely  D. lonely; alone


29. -Do you mind _____alone at home?

 -No, but I want a good book_______.

 A.leaving; to read   B.to be left; reading

C.to leave; reading   D.being left; to read

