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35. – I’m travelling to New York next week. Would you please tell me about your experience there?

– _____. Let’s discuss it over lunch.

A. In no case                          B. Regardless of it    

C. That’s wonderful                     D. By all means


34. A terrible earthquake Struck Wenchuan, Sichuan Province on May 12, 2008, ________ tens of thousands of lives.

A. causing         B. declaring        C. claiming     D. ruining


33. It is difficult to find a satisfying job today. This job is great ________ salary, but it has some disadvantages.

A. in terms of       B. in case of       C. in favor of    D. on top of


32. As a new diplomat. he often thinks of ______ he can react more appropriately on such occasions.

A. what         B. which         C. that         D. how


31. Aware that the global economy crisis is becoming _______ serious, all the countries in the world have begun to take action against it.

A. seemingly        B. increasingly       C. apparently         D. religiously


30. The comments which he made ________ marketing bothered his boss greatly.

     A. being concerned     B. concerned         C. be concerned   D. concerning

