0  388557  388565  388571  388575  388581  388583  388587  388593  388595  388601  388607  388611  388613  388617  388623  388625  388631  388635  388637  388641  388643  388647  388649  388651  388652  388653  388655  388656  388657  388659  388661  388665  388667  388671  388673  388677  388683  388685  388691  388695  388697  388701  388707  388713  388715  388721  388725  388727  388733  388737  388743  388751  447090 

35. – I’m travelling to New York next week. Would you please tell me about your experience there?

– _____. Let’s discuss it over lunch.

A. In no case                          B. Regardless of it    

C. That’s wonderful                     D. By all means


34. A terrible earthquake Struck Wenchuan, Sichuan Province on May 12, 2008, ________ tens of thousands of lives.

A. causing         B. declaring        C. claiming     D. ruining


33. It is difficult to find a satisfying job today. This job is great ________ salary, but it has some disadvantages.

A. in terms of       B. in case of       C. in favor of    D. on top of


32. As a new diplomat. he often thinks of ______ he can react more appropriately on such occasions.

A. what         B. which         C. that         D. how


31. Aware that the global economy crisis is becoming _______ serious, all the countries in the world have begun to take action against it.

A. seemingly        B. increasingly       C. apparently         D. religiously


30. The comments which he made ________ marketing bothered his boss greatly.

     A. being concerned     B. concerned         C. be concerned   D. concerning


29. When Japanese invaded China, all the Chinese refused to ________ themselves to their poor status and fought back.

A. resign        B. adjust          C. devote       D. owe


28. Bungee jumping is a thrilling and adventurous sport, very popular among the young adults, ________ courage matters more than strength.

  A. whose           B. that           C. of which      D. where


27. The colors on the national flags can be ______ differently in different cultures, but they have one thing in common, that is, ______of the colors was carefully chosen.

  A. translated; every                    B. explained either   

C. represented; all                     D. interpreted; each

