0  388643  388651  388657  388661  388667  388669  388673  388679  388681  388687  388693  388697  388699  388703  388709  388711  388717  388721  388723  388727  388729  388733  388735  388737  388738  388739  388741  388742  388743  388745  388747  388751  388753  388757  388759  388763  388769  388771  388777  388781  388783  388787  388793  388799  388801  388807  388811  388813  388819  388823  388829  388837  447090 

12. What’s the possible relationship between the speakers?

        A. Boss and secretary.   B. Husband and wife.    C. Workmates.

Conversation 6


11. What will the speakers do?

       A. Meet the boss.       B. Have a cup coffee.     C. Buy a lottery ticket.


10. What would the woman do if she won the lottery?

        A. Buy a big house.     B. Go round the world.   C. Buy more lotteries


9. What was the weather like at the weekend?

        A. Cloudy.             B. Rainy.             C. Sunny.

Conversation 5


8. Why does the woman come home so soon?

A. She was invited only for the weekend.        B. She has some work to do.

C. She has an appointment.


7. What did the woman do last weekend?

A. She went to the beach.                  B. She visited her parents.

C. She had a trip to the countryside.


6. What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A. Doctor and patient.    B. Husband and wife.  C. Instructor and player.

Conversation 4


5. What does the man want to do?

A.    Start a little weight training.

B.    Play basketball with his friends.

C.    Become a member of a basketball team.


4. What does the man think of New York ?

       A. It’s a city difficult to take a taxi during rush hours.  

 B. It’ a city full of subways.    

      C. It’s an easy city to get around.

Conversation 3


3. What’s the woman afraid of ?

      A. Getting lost.        B. Taking ferries.       C. Driving in.    

