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29. The book has been translated into thirty languages since it ______ on the market in 1973.

A. had come     B. has come     C. came     D. comes


28. Chongqing and Wuhan are among the most important cities in China _______ their size and population. 

A. in favor of        B. in case of     C. in view of     D. in terms of


27. It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was  _____ journey.

A. three hour        B. a three-hours       C. a three-hour      D. three hours


26. It was in China _________ he received higher education.

A. where         B. that        C. there       D. which  


25. ____ the crisis of economy getting more and more serious, the government is searching for ways to improve people’s life.

A. As            B. With     C. When        D. If


24. I stopped______ the Reader’s Digest and will no longer receive their monthly magazine. A. submitting to  B. attending to   C. appealing to   D. subscribing to


23. America has something similar______ our country’s economic development but different _______ political policies.

A. from, to         B. with , from       C. to, from         D. from, with


22. A great number of students ______ said they were forced  to  practice  the piano.  

A. to question       B. to be questioned     C. questioned        D. questioning


21. If we sit near ______ front of the bus, we’ll have ______ better view.

  A. 不填; the        B. 不填;a          C. the; a         D. the;the


15. What kinds of books are listed in Books in Print?21

A.    Only those used in the university.

B.    Only those in the field of political science.

C.    Only those currently available from publishers.

Section B ( 7.5 marks )

Directions: In this section, you ’ll hear a mini-talk. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you ’ve got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS.

You’ ll hear the mini-talk TWICE.

Where / What to do
On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15
to    16    .
Meet in this room for the   17   of the course.
Every other week on Thursdays.
Use the research lab in Room   18     .
The day after tomorrow.
Get the books for the class--    19    .
 From 1:00 to 2:00 on  _  20__    
Meet with the teacher during the office hours.


Section A (15 marks)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence.

