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32.I hate    when the weather along the Changjiang River becomes freezing cold without heating inside.

    A.it             B.that           C.this           D.so


31.Between the two mountains    the factory where my father used to work.

    A.stand          B.stands         C.to stand        D.standing


30.--- I’ll take it if you reduce the price by 30%.

   --- But it’s    my power to sell it cheaper.

    A.beyond        B.without        C.off            D.against


29.--- Shall we visit Jim tonight?

   --- OK. To make sure that he’s in, we’d better call him up    .

    A.in exchange     B.in return        C.in brief        D.in advance


28.The river is so seriously polluted that few fish,    , can be found alive in it.

    A.if ever         B.If some        C.if any          D.if never


27.Was is that I said or something I did   made you feel so low, Helen?

    A.which         B.what          C.when          D.that


26.Many of the English programs,     Follow Me and Follow Me to Science, were well received at that time.

    A.that is         B.as for          C.such as         D.according to


25.With prices    going up, it is sometimes difficult for us to make ends meet on our small income.

    A.kept           B.keeping        C.to keep         D.being kept


24.President Hu and Obama delivered brief prepared comments on their discussions,    had lasted for two and a half hours.

    A.which         B.what          C.that           D.it


23.We hurried all the way to the airport, only    that the flight had been called off because of the foggy weather.

    A.being told      B.to be told       C.having told      D.to have been told

