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第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






A French writer was invited to give talk at a university         76.     

to a large group of students while he visits Japan. Because           77.     

none of them could understand the French language, so he had       78.     

to have a man translate what he said into Japanese. He spoke         79.     

a funny story went on for quite a long time during his talk.          80.     

At last he stopped to let the man translate them into Japanese.        81.     

Much to his surprising, the man did this in a few seconds,           82.     

and after that all the students laughed loudly. Before the talk,        83.     

when asked how he could manage to change that long story          84.     

into such short a Japanese one, they young man said, “I just         85.     

said, ‘The writer has just told a funny story. Please laugh.’”


第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

A mother and daughter living in my neighborhood were the most unfriendly people I had ever come across in my life. They mixed with  36  . As they drove past neighbors they made no sign of acknowledgement. They  37   went to the local police station to report music played too  38  , dogs barking more than once a day and any other  39   things.

On moving into this  40  , I was warned about them but decided I would make up my own mind. This proved quite a (n)  41   to me as more than once either the mother or the daughter would knock on my door and  42  . however, I always answered politely and made sure I  43  as they went past my place and made an effort now and then to make a  44   remark about their garden or pets.

Time passed and I  45   the 29 – Day Giving Challenge (奉献挑战). In October, as part of the kindness rock give (送爱心石头活动), I decided to place a kindness rock on their property (房子). Their  46   remained unchanged, however, and I continued to be as  47   as possible. During the Easter give (复活节礼物奉送) to senior citizens, I decided to add these two days later they stopped at my gate and jokingly said they were  50   hanging their Christmas stocking on their gate. I said I would try that too. I didn’t want them to  51   I had placed the kindness rock. The bigger  52   was that they brought me a bunch of flowers!

So, do not  53   your random (普普通通的) gifts of kindness! You may never know just what this  54   to others, nor how many broken or hard hearted people you may just  55   with a simple act of kindness.

36.A.everybody      B.nobody        C.somebody       D.anybody

37.A.nearly         B.ever           C.never          D.often

38.A.sweetly        B.slow          C.loud           D.impressively

39.A.little          B.fantastic        C.good          D.difficult

40.A.neighborhood    B.relationship     C.station         D.family

41.A.agreement      B.challenge       C.favor          D.trade

42.A.chat           B.explain         C.complain       D.apologize

43.A.concluded      B.insisted        C.argued         D.waved

44.A.casual         B.personal        C.kind           D.bad

45.A.discovered      B.joined         C.organized       D.fought

46.A.wealth         B.attitude        C.location        D.status

47.A.friendly        B.cold           C.calm          D.selfish

48.A.enemies        B.relatives        C.friends         D.ladies

49.A.table          B.floor          C.gate           D.roof

50.A.considering     B.avoiding        C.regretting       D.practicing

51.A.know          B.remember       C.mention        D.forget

52.A.celebration      B.surprise        C.problem        D.difference

53.A.add up         B.hold on        C.hand out        D.give up

54.A.occurs         B.introduces      C.means         D.advises

55.A.decorate        B.judge          C.feed           D.change


35.Qian Xuesen, a key leader of New China’s nuclear, missile and space programs, passed away,

       our country lose one of the greatest scientists.

    A.being made     B.made          C.to make        D.making


34.He will never give up the chance to go abroad for further education    the situation is .

    A.whatever       B.however        C.whenever       D.wherever


33.--- You    a meal for me this evening. I had dinner at the Chinese Dragon with Tom.

   --- Well, why didn’t you phone and let me know?

    A.should cook                     B.needn’t have cooked

    C.don’t need to cook                D.should have cooked

