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7.It is the house________I have ever lived________is under repair

A which, that  B that ,which  C in which ,where   D where, that

8,____________catch the first train, he asks his mother to awake him up in the morning

A So as to     B In order to     C So that    D In order that


6. Her parents died in a car accident when she was a baby and she was _______ by her aunt in Canada.

A. turned up 
B. broken up 
C. cheered up 
D. brought up


5. -I'm sorry. I _________ at you the other day.

  -Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself.

A. shouldn't shout 
B. shouldn't have shouted 
C. mustn't shout
D. mustn't have shouted


4. -May I use your car?

   -Of course you may, but it      in the garage now.

A. has been repaired
B. is being repaired 
C. was repaired
D. will be repaired


3. ______he came to this small town, he began to like it.

   A. For the first time   B. By the first time

C. At the first time   D. The first time


2. Oprah Winfrey is ______black woman whose rise to fame is ______ inspiring story.

  A. /;an     B. a; the       C. the; the      D. a; an


1. People think “SOS” is the simplest and common    to make, in time of danger or disaster.

   A. mark     B. sign     C. signal    D. remark


34.(1)在此光照强度下,此植物通过光合作用吸收的CO2?与呼吸作用释放的CO2相等或在此条件下,光合作用速率与呼吸作用速率相等  线粒体  (2)气孔关闭,CO2减少  Ⅲ  (3)A  (4)Ⅰ 




(3)蓝  不能催化淀粉水解 

(4)①利于面包霉的生长  ②提高酶的催化效率


32.答案C3化合物  阳光较弱  类囊体薄膜  ATP和[H]

