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19. At first Bob was puzzled by Virginia s waving, but then it _____ his mind that she was trying to tell him something.

  A. crossed   B. passed   C. occurred   D. opened

 A. crossed. cross (enter)one's mind 想起:1)A sudden thought crossed my mind. 2)It never crossed my mind that he might refuse the request. (我从来没有想到他可能会拒绝这个请求。)

如用pass through, 例如:When Jane did not come home by midnight, many terrible fears passed through Mother's mind. (=Mother thought of many things that might have happened to Jane.)

occur的用法如下:1)That view of the case did not occur to me before. (对这个案件的那种看法以前我没有想到过。)2)It occurred to her that she might adopt a homeless child.(她想到,她可以收养一个无家可归的孩子。)




18. She got married although her parents had not given her their _____.

  A. allowance   B. consent   C. permit   D. appreciation

B. consent.

consent n. 同意,赞成;consent (to) vi.同意,如:consent to a plan(同意一项计划)。allowance津贴。permit执照,许可证 permission n 允许


17. And you find that you're not to be _____ with a position of real responsibility.

  A. offered   B. trusted   C. furnished   D. retained

B. trusted。

trust sb. with sth. 把某事托付给某人 trust sth to sb :I can't trust him with my car.(我不能把我的车托付给他。)本题译文:你认为不会把真正有责任的工作托付给你。


16.The patients believe that the doctor knows exactly how to put them _____.

  A. correct   B. perfect   C. right   D. well

C. right。put sth. /sb. right 纠正;治好,使恢复健康:Since man has done so much damage, it is up to man to put the matters right. (既然人类已造成了如此巨大的损害,人类有责任纠正这种状况。)又如:This medicine will soon put you right. (这药很快会使你恢复健康。)其他3个选择均不能与put 构成习语,故不能入选。本题译文:病人相信医生清楚地知道怎样治好他的病。


15. Comrade Li Dazhao, _____ librarian of Beijing University, was one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party.

  A. sometimes   B. sometime   C. some time   D. some times

B. sometime. sometime(=former)过去的,以前的:Alice Brown, a sometime pupil of our school, is now a teacher there.


14. We won't know whether it will be successful. We won't know whether there will be good _____.

  A. ends   B. results   C. effects   D. causes

B. results. result意为“由某种活动或某种原因所产生的结果”,如:obtain(=get, attain, gain win, secure)good results(取得好结果),publish the results(公布成绩)。


13. The open university was started in order to help those who _____ having a university education when they were young.

  A. stopped   B. failed   C. missed   D. ceased

C. missed. miss doing sth.没有做某事:I missed seeing the film when it was shown at school.(学校放映那部电影时,我没有能去看。)


12. He has left his book here on _____, so that you can read it.

  A. purpose   B. intention   C. aim   D. meaning

A. purpose. on purpose是介词习语,意为“故意地”。如用intention,则应说by intention故意地。


11. I remember her face but I cannot _____ where I met her.

  A. recall   B. remind   C. remember   D. remark

A. recall.

recall(=bring back to the mind)想起,回忆起:But I really can't recall your name at his moment.

remind sb. of ...使......想起:1)The photo reminds me of my late father.(这张照片使我想起已故的父亲。) 2)The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late.

remind sb. to sth.提醒......做......;Please remind me to write the letter.


10. It has always been the _____ of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social activities.

  A. plan   B. campaign   C. procedure   D. policy

D. policy. policy(尤指政党、政府、大企业、商行等的)政策,方针。campaign(政治或竞选的)运动;(军事的)行动,procedure做事的手续、程序,plan计划,均不合题意。


