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39. Does this car give you good _____for your money ?

A. value    B. price    C. worth    D. cost

A. 解析good value for money 值得花那么多的钱


38. Some friends tried to settle the quarrel between Mr. and Mrs. Brown without hurting the feeling of     , but failed .

    A.none          B.either          C.both           D.neither

B. 解析:either指两者中的任何一个. 不愿意伤害他们两个当中的任何一个。


37. -How do you     to her unkindly behavior?   -Only silence.

    Which of the following is wrong?

    A.react          B.answer         C.reply          D.respond

B. 解析:react/ reply/ respond to sb./ sth.    answer sb./ sth.


36. Nowadays sending e-mails to each other is a way many a student _______ what they think.

A. conveys     B. delivers     C. express     D. account

A. 解析 convey 表达Words can’t convey my feelings.言语无法表达我的心情.


35. He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his _______ was seen at its best when 

  he worked with others.

    A. temper         B. appearance       C. talent           D. character

D. 解析 考词义. the beauty of his character人格的魅力


34. In the     of proof , the police could not take action against the man .

    A.lack           B.shortage        C.absence        D.failure

C. in the absence of 缺少 shortage 缺乏, 无此搭配。"In the developed countries, there's a great shortage of labour / work force." 发达国家劳动力非常缺乏。


33. -- Who on earth could it be?   -- It was ________ other than Peter.

A. none   B. nothing    C. not      D. nobody

A. none other than (表示惊讶)不是别人,不是别的;就是,正是 It's none other than Tom! We thought you were in Africa! 是汤姆!我们以为你还在非洲!


32.I’ll____ him off this time but next time he’ll be punished.

A. leave     B. let     C. put        D. set

正确答案是B。let off 饶恕。 Set off 出发、动身; leave off 停止、不再穿;put off 推迟。


31. The problem is not ____ so easy as you think. It’s far from being settled.

A. hardly          B. almost        C. nearly        D. scarcely

hardly和scarcely 意思均为"几乎不",与题干中的not 构成双重否定,不符合句子意思;almost与not连用时,almost 常置于not前面,意思为"几乎不";只有 not nearly为正确结构,意思为"相差很远"。答案为C。


30.-Yangyang carried off the first winter Olympic _____ medal for China.

-Great! What ____ she won for our motherland!

A. golden; honour      B. gold; honor        C. golden; honors      D. gold; honors

根据句意可以知道,第一空"金牌"意思为"含金之物",应用gold作定语,而golden 为比喻性形容词,意思为"金色的"。例如golden rice"金黄色的稻子";第二空 honor 在此意思为"荣誉,光荣",是不可 数名词。答案B。

