0  389157  389165  389171  389175  389181  389183  389187  389193  389195  389201  389207  389211  389213  389217  389223  389225  389231  389235  389237  389241  389243  389247  389249  389251  389252  389253  389255  389256  389257  389259  389261  389265  389267  389271  389273  389277  389283  389285  389291  389295  389297  389301  389307  389313  389315  389321  389325  389327  389333  389337  389343  389351  447090 

28. All the neighbors admire this family _______ the parents are treating their child like a friend.

A. why        B. where      C. which        D. that 


27. The managers were discussing the plan which they all wanted to see _______ out that month.

A. carried     B. to carry      C. carrying        D. carry


26. - David, keep _______  in mind that you have to be home by 10 o'clock.

- OK, Mom, I will. 

A. it        B. me        C. this          D. one


25. - Has your former classmate come back from America? 

- Yes, he  _______ there for eight years.

A. has stayed   B. stays       C. stayed      D. had stayed


24. Alice _______  a good salary in a job but she stayed at home for the sake of her family. 

A. must take    B. should have made  C. would make      D. could have made


23. Hard work and lack of sleep has _______ her beauty and youth in recent years.

A. worn out     B. tried out        C. made out         D. sent out


22. A person who has  _______ final say in an international company is usually _______ influential one.

A. a; the      B. the; an     C. the; the        D. a; an


第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. - Have you been to the Great Wall?

- Perhaps not in my memory. _______, it might have been during my early childhood. 

A. If any       B. If ever        C. If once          D. If not

