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我们对着他耳边问谁了解林徽因的作品时,他显得黯然,      (用浓重沙哑的喉音缓缓地)说:“可惜有些人已经过去了!”我们把一本用毛笔大楷抄录的林徽因诗集给他看,希望从他的回忆里,得到一点诠释的启迪。他轻轻地翻着,回忆道:“林徽因啊,这个人很特别,我常常不知道她在想什么。好多次她在急,好像做诗她没做出来。有句诗叫什么,哦,好像叫‘黄水塘的白鸭’,大概后来诗没做成……”慢慢地,他翻到了另一页,     (忽然高喊起来):“哎呀,八月的忧愁!”我吃了一惊,怀疑那高八度的惊叹声,竟是从那衰弱的躯体里发出的。只听他接着念下去:“ 哎呀,‘黄水塘里游着白鸭,高粱梗油青的刚过了头……’”他居然    (一句一句)把诗读下去。末了,他扬起头,     ( 欣慰地)说:“她终于写成了,她终于写成了!”(陈宇《暮年金岳霖重谈林徽因》





















 明确:“老朋友纳闷”说明老朋友们已经忘记了林徽因的生日,他们并不重视林徽因,而金先生依旧记得,可见金先生对她的感情很深。“有一年”的“有”字表明林徽因死的时间比较久,但他仍然记得,说明他对林徽因的感情深。 “徽音”的称呼少了姓,说明他们关系密切,感情亲切。





 金岳霖(1896-1984) ,湖南长沙人,中国哲学、逻辑学宗师,著名教育家,中国第一批院士。    1911年入北京清华学堂,1914-1921年在美国宾夕法尼亚大学、哥伦比亚大学学习政治学,获哥伦比亚大学政治学博士。之后在英、德、法等国留学和从事研究工作。1925年回国,1926年在北京清华大学任教授,创办清华大学哲学系。以后任西南联大哲学系教授、清华大学哲学系主任和文学院院长、北京大学哲学系教授和系主任、中国科学院和中国社会科学院哲学研究所研究员和副所长。1956年加入中国共产党。 1979年任中国逻辑学会会长。


•           著名哲学家冯友兰认为,金岳霖在中国现代思想史上占据“三个第一”,即“中国第一个真正懂得近代逻辑学的人”,“中国第一个懂得并引进现代逻辑学的人”,“是使认识论和逻辑学在现代中国发达起来的第一个人”。

介绍完后提问:预习课文后,请谈谈西南大学教授金岳霖先生给你留下一个什么样的印象?    明确:有趣,幽默、古怪、好玩、重感情等


说起科学家,我们会想起牛顿,会想起安培,不会忘记因为那个把手表当鸡蛋下锅的故事,不会忘记那个上街散步追着马车跑的轶闻,其实那故事的主人公正是世界闻名的科学大师:牛顿、安培。说起普通人,在朱自清笔下,在魏巍笔下,我们不会忘记那个步履蹒跚爬过铁路给儿子买桔子的父亲,不会忘记那个温柔美丽扬起教鞭又轻轻放下的老师, “一花一世界,一沙一天堂”不管是名人还是普通人,细节之处,我们感悟真情,发掘伟大。今天就让我和大家一起从细节描写的角度去探寻美,发现美,让我们一起走近金岳霖先生。

(板书:金岳霖先生   汪曾祺)


第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

   此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行做出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾( √ );如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:


   此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(  ),在该行右边的横线上写出该加的词。


I’m ready for the trip of museums in “The Big Apple”.             76. _________

I’m especially looking forward to see the Museum of            77. _________

Modern Art. “ The Big Apple” was the name of New York          78. _________

City. The jazz musician of the 1920’s were responsible for          79. _________

the name. When they play a concert there, they called the               80. _________

city a apple. Of course, New York was the biggest city in          81. _________

the country and the better place for a jazz concert. So the            82. _________

musicians called it “ The Big Apple”. New York had this         83. _________

nickname for no more than eighty years. Now when you hear        84. _________

the name “The Big Apple”, you know it is New York.                  85. _________

第二节  书面表达(满分25分)


  注意:1.文章开头已经写好,不计入总字数;     2.词数:100左右

    Senior middle school graduates of our school have different opinions on how to choose their courses and universities.





























Topic: Unit 8 S2A  First Aid

Course type: Warming up

Teacher: Hua Xi

Time: December 21, 2009

Students: Class 13, Senior2

I. Analysis of teaching materials

The central topic of this unit is "first aid.",which  specifically relates to the drowning, car accidents, burns and wounds and so on. The learning of language knowledge and language skills is designed around this central topic. The topic is close to the real life of students and meets the students’ cognitive level, so the students have a strong sense of identity. This is the first lesson of this unit and plays the role of warming-up. Through a series of tasks, the teacher helps the  students to have interest in the discussion about the topic.

II. Analysis of students

Students are familiar with the topic of this unit, but when tbey talk about the topic in English they will encounter some new vocabulary and will have difficulty organizing their language. Teachers should also help to cultivate students’ team spirit in group work.

III. Teaching design

The specific objectives of curriculum reform is "too much emphasis on the implementation of change programs to accept learning, rote, mechanical training status, promote active participation of students, willing to explore, diligent in getting to train students to collect and process information, acquire new knowledge the ability to analyze and solve problems as well as communication and cooperation skills. " English as a core curriculum of basic education, not only to gradually develop and improve their English literacy, but also to pay attention to the realities of life, giving students in the life of high school English, the learning of English life, and for the life practice.

This course is designed according to the cognitive level of students to the student, create help students construct knowledge of the situation, design a chain, the task of layers of depth, combined with the exchange between teachers and students to discuss, with the purpose of conduct analysis, summarized to help students construct knowledge, access to real-life problem solving knowledge and improve their language ability.

IV. Teaching objectives

1. Academically

1) Learn about how to give first aid and how to prevent the accidents from happening.

2) Improve the speaking ability.

  2. Emotionally:

Enhance the students’ cooperation in learning English.

V. Key points & special difficulties

1.How to guide the students to describe their personal experiences about accidents.



18、(1)α=60°  (2)F=mg


17、(1)小于   (2)乙    (3)K≈58N/m(答案在57-70的范围内都算对)

