0  389480  389488  389494  389498  389504  389506  389510  389516  389518  389524  389530  389534  389536  389540  389546  389548  389554  389558  389560  389564  389566  389570  389572  389574  389575  389576  389578  389579  389580  389582  389584  389588  389590  389594  389596  389600  389606  389608  389614  389618  389620  389624  389630  389636  389638  389644  389648  389650  389656  389660  389666  389674  447090 

38. Ted and his friends established a website offering useful information about thunderstorms ______ similar accidents happening.

A. prevent           B. preventing       C. to prevent        D. prevented


37. I don’t understand how you got a ticket. I always      you     a careful driver.

A. think; are       B. am thinking      C. thought; were      D. think; were


36. ______, a small advertisement held my attention, which read “Easy job. Good wages. No experience necessary.”

A. Looking through the newspaper       B. While I was looking through the newspaper

  C. To look through the newspaper     D. I was looking through the newspaper


35. ______ it is true that a student’s most important goal is to do well in his or her studies, it doesn’t need to be the only goal.

A. When        B. As             C. While        D. Before


34.    of danger in the street at night, she had to go home with a friend     her.

   A. Warned; accompanied        B. Having warned; accompanying

C. Warning; accompanying            D. Having been warned; accompanying  


33. Why were you driving so fast? You   somebody.

   A.mingt hurt      B.might have hurt    C.would hurt    D.must have hurt


32. Exciting as its special effects are   ,there is too much violence in the film.

A.to watch           B.to be watched     C.watching      D.being watched


31.      , the sun was rising in the east.

A.Arriving there    B.We arriving there      C.Having arrived there   D.We arrived


30. Many of the scientists and engineers are judged    how great their achievements are.

  A.in spite of    B.in charge of    C.in favor      D.in terms of 


29. Despite what I’d been told about the native people’s attitude towards strangers,   did I come across any rudeness.

  A.in no time    B.at no time      C.in any time     D.at any time

