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The newspaper seller was a clean, neat man, of about forty with a rather serious, unsmiling face. He didn’t speak much to the customers or to his helpers, but when he did he spoke slowly and quietly, as if to himself. He believed in efficiency, not conversation. and this was how the office workers, rushing to catch their trains, preferred it.

     It had been a good day. Lunch-time had been warm and sunny, and many people had bought magazines to read outside with their sandwiches. Now it was cold rainy, and people wanted an evening paper for a cheerless joyless journey ahead and a dull evening indoors.

     At 6:30, with the main rush over, he started to collect the money together and count it. Then he left the stand and went home. It was the assistant’s turn this evening to look after it till eight o’clock, when it would be packed away for the night. His large white Mercedes was in the private car park of a large government building. He’d parked there for six months, pretending to be part of a heating firm working in the building. They would find out about him soon, and he’d have to park in a garage again, which was annoying. Their charges were far too high. A couple of junior clerks, regular customers, happened to see him getting into his car. “must be a lot of money in papers, eh?” one of them shouted. He just smiled coldly in reply, and got into the car, placing the bags of money on the floor.

     He thought about the clerks on the way home. Like the majority of his customers, despite their white shirts and dark suits, they probably made in a week as much as he could make in a good day.

56.It seems unlikely that the newspaper seller would be the sort of man who would ______.

    A.be a cheerful companion         B.try to cheat a customer

    C.earn a great deal of money        D.trust his assistant much

57.The assistant’s job that evening was to ______.

    A.sell papers until 8 o’clock          B.start selling magazines at 8 o’clock

    C. count the money taken that day      D.lock up the car park

58.If they realized that he was not a heating engineer he would have to _______.

     A.park his car in a government car park  B.look for another free parking place

     C.pay to park his car in a garage     D.pretend he was a government employee

59.When the newspaper seller thought about the two clerks he decided they were _______

     A.badly dressed         B. very well off 

C.not as rich as himself    D. not as hardworking as himself


35. -The kind-hearted lady is popular with her neighbors, right?

-Yes, she is ready to help others without expecting anything _______.

A. in store           B. in return    C. in charge     D. in turn


34. He once observed that “All happy families ______ one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”.

A. like             B. appear      C. resemble          D. represent


33. - ______ , he makes little progress.

- In that case, he should improve his method of study.

A. As he works hard   B. Hard as he works   C. He works as hard   D. As hard he works


32. They were surprised that a child should work out the problem _____ they themselves couldn’t.                             

A. once        B. while     C. if       D. then


31. Jack _________ the test again; in that case, his father will be very disappointed.

A. must have failed   B. might fail   C. should fail   D. could have failed


30. Unexpected difficulties ____in the course of their experiment.

A. arises    B. were arising     C. arose     D. were arisen


29. All the supplies _____after the battle.

A. ran out    B. was run out    C .has run out    D. ran out of

