0  390144  390152  390158  390162  390168  390170  390174  390180  390182  390188  390194  390198  390200  390204  390210  390212  390218  390222  390224  390228  390230  390234  390236  390238  390239  390240  390242  390243  390244  390246  390248  390252  390254  390258  390260  390264  390270  390272  390278  390282  390284  390288  390294  390300  390302  390308  390312  390314  390320  390324  390330  390338  447090 

29.  The folk song concert was so well _______ that all the tickets had been sold out on the first day.

A. accepted    B. recognized   C. received     D. promised


28.  -I’ll join the music club ________ Mary is in the club, too.

-You mean if Mary joins the club you’ll do, too.

A. in case     B. so that     C. now that     D. on condition that


27.  Bears often hide themselves in places ________ can’t be found by hunters.

A. in which    B. where      C. that       D. 不填 


26.  When I turned to the person ________ next to me, I recognized that he was my schoolmate.

A. seating     B. being sat    C. sit       D. seated


25.  Of all the books on the desk, ________ is of any use for our safety.

A. nothing     B. no one     C. neither     D. none 


24.  While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made ________ discovery which completely changed ________ man’s understanding of color.

A. a; 不填     B. a; the     C. 不填; the    D. the; a


23.  It is reported that the police will soon ________ the case of the two missing children.

A. look upon    B. look after   C. look into    D. look out


22.  Don’t be discouraged. ________ things as they are and you’ll enjoy every day of your life.

A. Taking     B. To take     C. Take       D. Taken




21.  -Waiter, ________?

-Wait a minute, sir. That’s $ 80 altogether.

A. would you charge me        B. how much did we eat

C. may I have the bill, please?   D. would you take the money

