0  391919  391927  391933  391937  391943  391945  391949  391955  391957  391963  391969  391973  391975  391979  391985  391987  391993  391997  391999  392003  392005  392009  392011  392013  392014  392015  392017  392018  392019  392021  392023  392027  392029  392033  392035  392039  392045  392047  392053  392057  392059  392063  392069  392075  392077  392083  392087  392089  392095  392099  392105  392113  447090 

27. When they arrived yesterday, the little girl, _____ to be taken away, held on to my hand

A. not wanted        B. not to want     C. didn’t want     D. not wanting


26. -I’m sorry to tell you that you made a mistake in your test.

  -How can that be? I did it _____ in class.

A. as told            B. as am told      C. as telling       D. as I told


25. - So you know Della?

  -Yes, it was last week _____ I surfed the Internet

A. that              B. when         C. why          D. whom


24. Jane’s father has bought a nice sports car, _____ we all know it.

A. as              B. which         C. that          D. and   


23. I was speaking to Ann on the phone when suddenly we were _____.

  A. hung up          B. hung back     C. cut down          D. cut off


22. -Hello, Peter. Would you please go shopping with me after school?

-Sorry. Our school is a boarding school. In school days nobody _____ go out of school without the head teacher's permission.

A. will              B. can          C. may          D. shall


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. I remember seeing this kind of _____ product in _____ city of Shanghai, which is

known as _____ Paris of the East.

A. the; the; the           B. /; the; the      C. the; /; the      D. the; a; /


22.(本题满分12分)   已知函数.

(Ⅰ) 求f –1(x);

(Ⅱ) 若数列{an}的首项为a1=1,(nÎN+),求{an}的通项公式an

(Ⅲ)  设bn=(32n-8),求数列{bn}的前项和Tn .


