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35.We all do more speaking      , even when we have a break after class .

    A.now and then    B.by and by       C.step by step     D.more or less


34.Zhang Hong is said      by heart 2000 words up to now .

    A.that she has learned  B.to have learned  C.to learn  D.having learned


33.______remains one matter to be discussed , so the meeting need last for a while.

   A. It   B. That   C. There    D. That


32.-Was it in 1969     the American astronaut succeeded     landing on the moon ?

   -Yes , that’s right .

    A.when ; on       B.that ; on        C.which ; in       D.that; in


31._______around the Water Cube, we were taken to see th Bird’s Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.

   A.Having shown   B. To be shown   C.Having been shown  D. To show


30.-What about the books ?

   -Books of this kind      well .

    A.sell            B.sells           C.are sold        D.is sold

